Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,857 PPLNS Shares 2,597,951,830
Height 11,104,563 Estimated Shares 2,954,855,619
Amount 581.77152002 Target Variance 113.74 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,601,590,888
Difficulty 11542404.763534 Average Efficiency 113.58 %
Time 2020-06-30 18:33:00 Target Rounds 10
Shares 4,294,967,295 Seconds This Round 47,359
Finder DGB-Qubit Round Variance 165.32 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
DGB-Qubit 2,147,483,647 50.00 1,967,435,450 75.73 151.46 440.57703189
mikel81 2,041,084,240 47.52 336,397,377 12.95 27.25 75.33103974
anonymous 610,405,819 14.21 107,663,561 4.14 29.16 24.10960551
Analex310 163,846,985 3.81 82,066,265 3.16 82.80 18.37748298
irina83 128,561,780 2.99 21,037,223 0.81 27.05 4.71096394
nvkz 105,833,475 2.46 17,458,115 0.67 27.27 3.90947745
minhkhoi3108 77,930,778 1.81 13,475,586 0.52 28.59 3.01765114
CTNVK 54,225,759 1.26 9,112,595 0.35 27.78 2.04062626
eaglerx0 53,458,476 1.24 8,821,983 0.34 27.28 1.97554814
Roman599 53,509,256 1.25 8,595,942 0.33 26.56 1.92492971
lepomis 26,522,131 0.62 4,464,299 0.17 27.83 0.99971153
anonymous 26,401,297 0.61 4,368,911 0.17 27.36 0.97835091
gobx 27,697,656 0.64 4,353,777 0.17 25.99 0.97496169
Drejali 26,813,278 0.62 4,328,195 0.17 26.69 0.96923316
anonymous 27,223,914 0.63 4,206,495 0.16 25.54 0.94198030
suberdigi 10,379,010 0.24 1,730,650 0.07 27.57 0.38755268
anonymous 5,170,875 0.12 860,732 0.03 27.52 0.19274783
winardys 5,055,542 0.12 799,588 0.03 26.15 0.17905549
ujank 1,530,274 0.04 249,380 0.01 26.94 0.05584506
anonymous 1,503,847 0.04 237,622 0.01 26.12 0.05321196
hissizadam 776,557 0.02 112,516 0.00 23.95 0.02519647
MishGun 383,360 0.01 63,669 0.00 27.46 0.01425771
furio74 388,790 0.01 62,414 0.00 26.54 0.01397689
anonymous 38,400 0.00 38,400 0.00 165.32 0.00859911
anonymous 62,569 0.00 10,829 0.00 28.61 0.00242511
imdmanuc2 256 0.00 256 0.00 165.32 0.00005730
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 2,147,483,647 391,964,218 18.25
2 mikel81 2,041,084,240 9,356,510 0.46
3 anonymous 610,405,819 19,925,434 3.26
4 Analex310 163,846,985 754,937 0.46
5 irina83 128,561,780 604,078 0.47
6 nvkz 105,833,475 1,044,738 0.99
7 minhkhoi3108 77,930,778 1,587,719 2.04
8 CTNVK 54,225,759 738,336 1.36
9 Roman599 53,509,256 540,348 1.01
10 eaglerx0 53,458,476 863,886 1.62
11 gobx 27,697,656 139,037 0.50
12 anonymous 27,223,914 202,349 0.74
13 Drejali 26,813,278 425,249 1.59
14 lepomis 26,522,131 118,996 0.45
15 anonymous 26,401,297 247,992 0.94
16 suberdigi 10,379,010 76,984 0.74
17 anonymous 5,170,875 89,313 1.73
18 winardys 5,055,542 87,351 1.73
19 ujank 1,530,274 32,015 2.09
20 anonymous 1,503,847 23,434 1.56
21 hissizadam 776,557 5,149 0.66
22 nemorussd9 509,974 13,653 2.68
23 furio74 388,790 1,980 0.51
24 MishGun 383,360 4,255 1.11
25 musta07 309,788 5,376 1.74
26 anonymous 80,352 3,277 4.08
27 anonymous 62,569 1,538 2.46
28 anonymous 38,400 768 2.00
29 hegwidil 2,503 10 0.40
30 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00
31 dimanchik1 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 1,967,435,450 78,298,574 3.98
2 mikel81 336,397,377 1,622,464 0.48
3 anonymous 107,663,561 3,514,104 3.26
4 Analex310 82,066,265 326,094 0.40
5 irina83 21,037,223 119,916 0.57
6 nvkz 17,458,115 165,342 0.95
7 minhkhoi3108 13,475,586 203,687 1.51
8 CTNVK 9,112,595 134,553 1.48
9 eaglerx0 8,821,983 150,584 1.71
10 Roman599 8,595,942 100,596 1.17
11 lepomis 4,464,299 27,512 0.62
12 anonymous 4,368,911 50,019 1.14
13 gobx 4,353,777 18,643 0.43
14 Drejali 4,328,195 55,673 1.29
15 anonymous 4,206,495 49,029 1.17
16 suberdigi 1,730,650 13,101 0.76
17 anonymous 860,732 7,612 0.88
18 winardys 799,588 12,167 1.52
19 ujank 249,380 4,526 1.81
20 anonymous 237,622 3,282 1.38
21 hissizadam 112,516 1,994 1.77
22 MishGun 63,669 1,827 2.87
23 furio74 62,414 339 0.54
24 anonymous 38,400 768 2.00
25 anonymous 10,829 212 1.96
26 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00