Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,913 PPLNS Shares 1,893,799,518
Height 11,190,712 Estimated Shares 2,246,481,729
Amount 581.77033953 Target Variance 118.62 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,893,805,796
Difficulty 8775319.2535955 Average Efficiency 118.62 %
Time 2020-07-15 16:46:58 Target Rounds 10
Shares 4,294,967,295 Seconds This Round 126,846
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 226.79 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 2,147,483,647 50.00 1,204,290,084 63.59 127.18 369.95481311
Analex310 1,721,038,252 40.07 398,488,845 21.04 52.51 122.41474739
irina83 365,682,222 8.51 62,104,897 3.28 38.52 19.07846464
nvkz 299,656,609 6.98 50,196,078 2.65 37.99 15.42010617
minhkhoi3108 232,250,462 5.41 38,317,461 2.02 37.42 11.77102566
CTNVK 158,953,773 3.70 26,351,296 1.39 37.60 8.09505049
Roman599 155,299,494 3.62 25,608,821 1.35 37.40 7.86696399
kriptomajori 79,163,756 1.84 13,273,597 0.70 38.03 4.07761505
anonymous 78,934,377 1.84 13,252,456 0.70 38.08 4.07112045
lepomis 77,825,994 1.81 13,185,185 0.70 38.42 4.05045510
anonymous 78,442,314 1.83 13,052,497 0.69 37.74 4.00969371
gobx 58,845,925 1.37 13,008,293 0.69 50.13 3.99611414
Drejali 71,852,433 1.67 9,881,180 0.52 31.19 3.03547331
eaglerx0 135,686,419 3.16 5,920,198 0.31 9.90 1.81866976
suberdigi 30,491,069 0.71 4,980,323 0.26 37.04 1.52994272
ujank 4,548,257 0.11 754,569 0.04 37.63 0.23180191
anonymous 4,503,127 0.10 732,317 0.04 36.88 0.22496611
MishGun 1,103,441 0.03 186,592 0.01 38.35 0.05732061
furio74 1,119,778 0.03 183,692 0.01 37.20 0.05642986
anonymous 189,247 0.00 30,881 0.00 37.01 0.00948670
imdmanuc2 1,024 0.00 256 0.00 56.70 0.00007866
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 2,147,483,647 33,939,535 1.58
2 Analex310 1,721,038,252 7,433,841 0.43
3 irina83 365,682,222 1,808,797 0.49
4 nvkz 299,656,609 3,161,644 1.06
5 minhkhoi3108 232,250,462 5,370,063 2.31
6 CTNVK 158,953,773 2,288,420 1.44
7 Roman599 155,299,494 1,731,297 1.11
8 eaglerx0 135,686,419 2,173,704 1.60
9 kriptomajori 79,163,756 508,975 0.64
10 anonymous 78,934,377 602,716 0.76
11 anonymous 78,442,314 375,507 0.48
12 lepomis 77,825,994 317,414 0.41
13 Drejali 71,852,433 20,656,192 28.75
14 gobx 58,845,925 268,080 0.46
15 suberdigi 30,491,069 249,264 0.82
16 nemorussd9 7,184,784 66,908 0.93
17 ujank 4,548,257 74,845 1.65
18 anonymous 4,503,127 63,313 1.41
19 furio74 1,119,778 5,932 0.53
20 MishGun 1,103,441 9,426 0.85
21 anonymous 189,247 4,987 2.64
22 imdmanuc2 1,024 0 0.00
23 ramarki 256 0 0.00
24 tommyJ81 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,204,290,084 5,621,162 0.47
2 Analex310 398,488,845 2,127,154 0.53
3 irina83 62,104,897 281,010 0.45
4 nvkz 50,196,078 469,811 0.94
5 minhkhoi3108 38,317,461 913,471 2.38
6 CTNVK 26,351,296 357,888 1.36
7 Roman599 25,608,821 345,294 1.35
8 kriptomajori 13,273,597 53,997 0.41
9 anonymous 13,252,456 105,821 0.80
10 lepomis 13,185,185 48,073 0.36
11 anonymous 13,052,497 43,371 0.33
12 gobx 13,008,293 69,524 0.53
13 Drejali 9,881,180 2,443,495 24.73
14 eaglerx0 5,920,198 52,182 0.88
15 suberdigi 4,980,323 39,094 0.78
16 ujank 754,569 11,842 1.57
17 anonymous 732,317 10,110 1.38
18 MishGun 186,592 1,991 1.07
19 furio74 183,692 1,248 0.68
20 anonymous 30,881 696 2.25
21 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00