Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,912 PPLNS Shares 1,518,402,478
Height 11,182,262 Estimated Shares 2,946,380,565
Amount 581.77033953 Target Variance 194.04 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,518,409,778
Difficulty 11509299.081555 Average Efficiency 194.04 %
Time 2020-07-14 05:32:52 Target Rounds 10
Shares 979,797,359 Seconds This Round 12,499
Finder irina83 Round Variance 64.53 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 700,482,584 71.49 1,102,694,116 72.62 101.58 422.49320286
Analex310 90,523,824 9.24 122,664,127 8.08 87.44 46.99831013
irina83 36,840,519 3.76 56,890,224 3.75 99.65 21.79728053
nvkz 29,296,892 2.99 46,785,013 3.08 103.05 17.92550631
minhkhoi3108 22,598,942 2.31 35,243,865 2.32 100.63 13.50355751
CTNVK 15,697,996 1.60 24,340,247 1.60 100.05 9.32587669
eaglerx0 14,865,781 1.52 23,824,637 1.57 103.42 9.12832249
Roman599 15,180,663 1.55 23,742,259 1.56 100.92 9.09675976
gobx 7,804,925 0.80 12,166,906 0.80 100.59 4.66170549
lepomis 7,640,613 0.78 12,031,682 0.79 101.61 4.60989488
kriptomajori 7,579,294 0.77 11,934,196 0.79 101.60 4.57254371
anonymous 7,643,914 0.78 11,875,948 0.78 100.25 4.55022613
anonymous 7,571,661 0.77 11,698,608 0.77 99.70 4.48227902
Drejali 7,560,476 0.77 11,673,104 0.77 99.63 4.47250725
suberdigi 2,971,631 0.30 4,651,870 0.31 101.01 1.78234698
nemorussd9 4,387,379 0.45 4,387,379 0.29 64.53 1.68100829
ujank 450,343 0.05 706,174 0.05 101.19 0.27056800
anonymous 451,001 0.05 703,138 0.05 100.60 0.26940481
furio74 115,677 0.01 180,671 0.01 100.78 0.06922363
MishGun 112,983 0.01 177,276 0.01 101.25 0.06792279
anonymous 19,227 0.00 30,014 0.00 100.73 0.01149985
vvm1973 768 0.00 768 0.00 64.53 0.00029426
imdmanuc2 256 0.00 256 0.00 64.53 0.00009809
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 700,482,584 3,051,994 0.44
2 Analex310 90,523,824 404,702 0.45
3 irina83 36,840,519 146,228 0.40
4 nvkz 29,296,892 385,372 1.32
5 minhkhoi3108 22,598,942 386,849 1.71
6 CTNVK 15,697,996 226,544 1.44
7 Roman599 15,180,663 136,870 0.90
8 eaglerx0 14,865,781 308,361 2.07
9 gobx 7,804,925 39,292 0.50
10 anonymous 7,643,914 57,007 0.75
11 lepomis 7,640,613 15,214 0.20
12 kriptomajori 7,579,294 45,022 0.59
13 anonymous 7,571,661 51,259 0.68
14 Drejali 7,560,476 160,565 2.12
15 nemorussd9 4,387,379 56,261 1.28
16 suberdigi 2,971,631 19,614 0.66
17 anonymous 451,001 6,533 1.45
18 ujank 450,343 7,394 1.64
19 furio74 115,677 529 0.46
20 MishGun 112,983 370 0.33
21 anonymous 19,227 455 2.37
22 vvm1973 768 0 0.00
23 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,102,694,116 4,941,875 0.45
2 Analex310 122,664,127 527,009 0.43
3 irina83 56,890,224 232,172 0.41
4 nvkz 46,785,013 627,760 1.34
5 minhkhoi3108 35,243,865 675,130 1.92
6 CTNVK 24,340,247 352,748 1.45
7 eaglerx0 23,824,637 428,192 1.80
8 Roman599 23,742,259 203,260 0.86
9 gobx 12,166,906 70,917 0.58
10 lepomis 12,031,682 25,102 0.21
11 kriptomajori 11,934,196 71,440 0.60
12 anonymous 11,875,948 85,002 0.72
13 anonymous 11,698,608 98,525 0.84
14 Drejali 11,673,104 267,818 2.29
15 suberdigi 4,651,870 32,994 0.71
16 nemorussd9 4,387,379 56,261 1.28
17 ujank 706,174 12,689 1.80
18 anonymous 703,138 11,134 1.58
19 furio74 180,671 890 0.49
20 MishGun 177,276 759 0.43
21 anonymous 30,014 884 2.95
22 vvm1973 768 0 0.00
23 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00