Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,957 PPLNS Shares 1,993,643,987
Height 11,287,010 Estimated Shares 3,037,901,436
Amount 575.2781753 Target Variance 152.38 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,993,657,588
Difficulty 11866802.484107 Average Efficiency 152.38 %
Time 2020-08-01 09:14:53 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,446,541,286 Seconds This Round 31,811
Finder Analex310 Round Variance 72.56 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 565,629,335 39.10 664,150,853 33.31 85.20 191.64479311
Analex310 425,461,330 29.41 635,513,604 31.88 108.38 183.38133960
irina83 90,551,693 6.26 138,244,822 6.93 110.77 39.89138956
nvkz 78,340,701 5.42 118,291,238 5.93 109.56 34.13366064
minhkhoi3108 59,104,063 4.09 88,306,790 4.43 108.41 25.48146481
kwp39jf 57,834,898 4.00 87,615,154 4.39 109.92 25.28188907
Roman599 39,726,788 2.75 59,796,258 3.00 109.21 17.25457638
anonymous 20,296,177 1.40 30,279,847 1.52 108.25 8.73743532
lepomis 19,953,252 1.38 30,088,932 1.51 109.41 8.68234559
CTNVK 19,916,567 1.38 29,994,108 1.50 109.27 8.65498341
kriptomajori 19,551,256 1.35 29,574,666 1.48 109.76 8.53395086
gobx 19,691,161 1.36 29,140,455 1.46 107.38 8.40865677
Drejali 19,088,646 1.32 29,020,509 1.46 110.31 8.37404550
anonymous 0 0.00 6,485,935 0.33 100.00 1.87155634
suberdigi 3,794,358 0.26 5,838,668 0.29 111.65 1.68478342
winardys 3,840,123 0.27 5,686,939 0.29 107.45 1.64100119
anonymous 1,133,059 0.08 1,711,047 0.09 109.57 0.49373324
ujank 1,130,754 0.08 1,701,908 0.09 109.21 0.49109605
bujin15 569,616 0.04 878,272 0.04 111.87 0.25343080
MishGun 288,257 0.02 432,333 0.02 108.82 0.12475241
furio74 278,730 0.02 424,781 0.02 110.58 0.12257320
nemorussd9 190,796 0.01 272,779 0.01 103.73 0.07871209
anonymous 121,965 0.01 121,965 0.01 72.56 0.03519397
anonymous 47,491 0.00 71,868 0.00 109.80 0.02073809
bcminerusa 256 0.00 256 0.00 72.56 0.00007387
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 565,629,335 2,992,232 0.53
2 Analex310 425,461,330 1,660,526 0.39
3 irina83 90,551,693 486,726 0.54
4 nvkz 78,340,701 1,024,439 1.31
5 minhkhoi3108 59,104,063 847,895 1.43
6 kwp39jf 57,834,898 450,557 0.78
7 Roman599 39,726,788 437,614 1.10
8 anonymous 20,296,177 128,988 0.64
9 lepomis 19,953,252 58,557 0.29
10 CTNVK 19,916,567 306,974 1.54
11 gobx 19,691,161 163,296 0.83
12 kriptomajori 19,551,256 157,694 0.81
13 Drejali 19,088,646 307,474 1.61
14 winardys 3,840,123 67,469 1.76
15 suberdigi 3,794,358 31,003 0.82
16 anonymous 1,133,059 16,034 1.42
17 ujank 1,130,754 19,231 1.70
18 bujin15 569,616 2,779 0.49
19 MishGun 288,257 1,304 0.45
20 furio74 278,730 1,233 0.44
21 nemorussd9 190,796 10,240 5.37
22 anonymous 121,965 0 0.00
23 anonymous 47,491 1,094 2.30
24 bcminerusa 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 664,150,853 3,505,215 0.53
2 Analex310 635,513,604 2,542,952 0.40
3 irina83 138,244,822 668,029 0.48
4 nvkz 118,291,238 1,434,461 1.21
5 minhkhoi3108 88,306,790 1,310,419 1.48
6 kwp39jf 87,615,154 642,285 0.73
7 Roman599 59,796,258 629,592 1.05
8 anonymous 30,279,847 214,063 0.71
9 lepomis 30,088,932 81,170 0.27
10 CTNVK 29,994,108 516,512 1.72
11 kriptomajori 29,574,666 234,207 0.79
12 gobx 29,140,455 536,458 1.84
13 Drejali 29,020,509 435,750 1.50
14 anonymous 6,485,935 40,336 0.62
15 suberdigi 5,838,668 46,077 0.79
16 winardys 5,686,939 108,165 1.90
17 anonymous 1,711,047 23,681 1.38
18 ujank 1,701,908 29,163 1.71
19 bujin15 878,272 4,173 0.48
20 MishGun 432,333 2,498 0.58
21 furio74 424,781 2,095 0.49
22 nemorussd9 272,779 13,165 4.83
23 anonymous 121,965 0 0.00
24 anonymous 71,868 1,687 2.35
25 bcminerusa 256 0 0.00