Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,471,053 PPLNS Shares 1,788,092,327
Height 11,547,060 Estimated Shares 1,681,606,635
Amount 568.85768248 Target Variance 94.04 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,788,102,214
Difficulty 6568775.9171237 Average Efficiency 94.04 %
Time 2020-09-15 11:53:09 Target Rounds 10
Shares 104,707,741 Seconds This Round 1,605
Finder irina83 Round Variance 5.86 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 87,805,607 83.86 1,482,094,597 82.89 98.84 471.50859092
irina83 4,897,778 4.68 79,152,927 4.43 94.64 25.18144617
minhkhoi3108 2,865,848 2.74 48,500,423 2.71 99.10 15.42976154
jeanpi85 2,295,369 2.19 36,904,830 2.06 94.15 11.74077869
CTNVK 1,891,432 1.81 32,470,932 1.82 100.53 10.33019316
kwp39jf 0 0.00 18,753,848 1.05 100.00 5.96628621
anonymous 1,097,385 1.05 16,987,675 0.95 90.65 5.40440198
lepomis 972,628 0.93 16,910,532 0.95 101.81 5.37986004
anonymous 938,191 0.90 16,445,978 0.92 102.65 5.23206836
Drejali 437,867 0.42 16,239,142 0.91 217.17 5.16626632
gobx 1,018,743 0.97 15,099,879 0.84 86.80 4.80382496
suberdigi 176,233 0.17 3,197,185 0.18 106.24 1.01714171
winardys 179,113 0.17 3,169,625 0.18 103.63 1.00837385
anonymous 56,088 0.05 958,422 0.05 100.06 0.30490942
ujank 58,020 0.06 929,318 0.05 93.79 0.29565030
furio74 14,908 0.01 233,400 0.01 91.68 0.07425311
anonymous 2,297 0.00 39,802 0.00 101.47 0.01266272
anonymous 224 0.00 3,812 0.00 99.65 0.00121298
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 87,805,607 535,756 0.61
2 irina83 4,897,778 49,400 1.01
3 minhkhoi3108 2,865,848 156,367 5.46
4 jeanpi85 2,295,369 77,299 3.37
5 CTNVK 1,891,432 61,133 3.23
6 anonymous 1,097,385 17,964 1.64
7 gobx 1,018,743 0 0.00
8 lepomis 972,628 5,624 0.58
9 anonymous 938,191 0 0.00
10 Drejali 437,867 5,613 1.28
11 winardys 179,113 6,118 3.42
12 suberdigi 176,233 2,548 1.45
13 ujank 58,020 830 1.43
14 anonymous 56,088 1,237 2.21
15 furio74 14,908 1,251 8.39
16 anonymous 2,297 52 2.26
17 anonymous 224 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,482,094,597 9,041,317 0.61
2 irina83 79,152,927 726,543 0.92
3 minhkhoi3108 48,500,423 972,849 2.01
4 jeanpi85 36,904,830 642,104 1.74
5 CTNVK 32,470,932 710,948 2.19
6 kwp39jf 18,753,848 170,464 0.91
7 anonymous 16,987,675 209,631 1.23
8 lepomis 16,910,532 134,147 0.79
9 anonymous 16,445,978 84,975 0.52
10 Drejali 16,239,142 169,020 1.04
11 gobx 15,099,879 164,039 1.09
12 suberdigi 3,197,185 31,642 0.99
13 winardys 3,169,625 73,012 2.30
14 anonymous 958,422 14,935 1.56
15 ujank 929,318 16,380 1.76
16 furio74 233,400 3,851 1.65
17 anonymous 39,802 858 2.16
18 anonymous 3,812 46 1.21