Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,471,787 PPLNS Shares 1,431,627,710
Height 12,243,782 Estimated Shares 569,674,921
Amount 543.88581398 Target Variance 39.79 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,431,635,929
Difficulty 2225292.6603655 Average Efficiency 39.79 %
Time 2021-01-14 01:20:25 Target Rounds 10
Shares 443,678,791 Seconds This Round 5,594
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 30.99 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 300,520,209 67.73 971,200,573 67.84 100.16 368.96618082
pantomas 31,379,478 7.07 100,692,844 7.03 99.45 38.25394587
irina83 16,543,177 3.73 52,145,632 3.64 97.69 19.81050619
wmao 14,395,413 3.24 45,213,818 3.16 97.34 17.17705948
minhkhoi3108 10,090,337 2.27 32,521,187 2.27 99.88 12.35503628
Wizardvv 8,118,299 1.83 25,996,688 1.82 99.24 9.87633172
anonymous 8,002,028 1.80 25,230,920 1.76 97.72 9.58541073
kwp39jf 6,846,123 1.54 22,179,853 1.55 100.40 8.42628809
jeanpi85 6,589,649 1.49 21,916,971 1.53 103.08 8.32641738
CTNVK 6,669,702 1.50 21,632,746 1.51 100.52 8.21843815
lepomis 3,420,218 0.77 11,237,377 0.78 101.82 4.26916148
Drejali 3,618,839 0.82 11,120,830 0.78 95.24 4.22488461
kriptomajori 3,563,345 0.80 10,995,308 0.77 95.63 4.17719800
vvm1973 3,428,415 0.77 10,904,448 0.76 98.57 4.14267958
gobx 3,318,156 0.75 10,865,583 0.76 101.48 4.12791428
ITWolf 3,642,409 0.82 10,783,923 0.75 91.75 4.09689136
russya 3,280,019 0.74 10,664,422 0.74 100.76 4.05149201
romanticboy34 2,688,374 0.61 10,164,760 0.71 117.18 3.86166673
anonymous 2,208,070 0.50 7,179,276 0.50 100.76 2.72745933
Stonecutter 2,077,228 0.47 6,817,644 0.48 101.72 2.59007268
suberdigi 1,298,522 0.29 4,198,798 0.29 100.21 1.59515433
rockvn 631,559 0.14 2,117,698 0.15 103.92 0.80452900
winardys 652,194 0.15 2,058,292 0.14 97.81 0.78196046
nemorussd9 0 0.00 1,480,095 0.10 100.00 0.56229923
ujank 202,372 0.05 638,515 0.04 97.78 0.24257666
anonymous 191,309 0.04 623,607 0.04 101.02 0.23691296
caspian999 147,833 0.03 479,739 0.03 100.57 0.18225657
Jobber4488 103,074 0.02 312,592 0.02 93.99 0.11875600
Coryvmcs1 43,612 0.01 147,242 0.01 104.63 0.05593855
flhctroll 0 0.00 88,173 0.01 100.00 0.03349782
skirabb 8,813 0.00 18,156 0.00 63.85 0.00689778
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 300,520,209 1,450,678 0.48
2 pantomas 31,379,478 435,446 1.39
3 irina83 16,543,177 94,246 0.57
4 wmao 14,395,413 125,212 0.87
5 minhkhoi3108 10,090,337 212,243 2.10
6 Wizardvv 8,118,299 119,634 1.47
7 anonymous 8,002,028 34,065 0.43
8 kwp39jf 6,846,123 79,620 1.16
9 CTNVK 6,669,702 70,328 1.05
10 jeanpi85 6,589,649 283,120 4.30
11 ITWolf 3,642,409 78,545 2.16
12 Drejali 3,618,839 47,492 1.31
13 kriptomajori 3,563,345 7,000 0.20
14 vvm1973 3,428,415 65,071 1.90
15 lepomis 3,420,218 6,553 0.19
16 gobx 3,318,156 13,423 0.40
17 russya 3,280,019 91,892 2.80
18 romanticboy34 2,688,374 24,150 0.90
19 anonymous 2,208,070 16,136 0.73
20 Stonecutter 2,077,228 29,629 1.43
21 suberdigi 1,298,522 4,891 0.38
22 winardys 652,194 9,111 1.40
23 rockvn 631,559 17,202 2.72
24 ujank 202,372 2,490 1.23
25 anonymous 191,309 1,863 0.97
26 caspian999 147,833 1,427 0.97
27 Jobber4488 103,074 515 0.50
28 Coryvmcs1 43,612 533 1.22
29 skirabb 8,813 14 0.16
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 971,200,573 4,793,177 0.49
2 pantomas 100,692,844 1,427,231 1.42
3 irina83 52,145,632 295,970 0.57
4 wmao 45,213,818 438,378 0.97
5 minhkhoi3108 32,521,187 626,586 1.93
6 Wizardvv 25,996,688 411,365 1.58
7 anonymous 25,230,920 70,706 0.28
8 kwp39jf 22,179,853 196,945 0.89
9 jeanpi85 21,916,971 1,333,262 6.08
10 CTNVK 21,632,746 326,328 1.51
11 lepomis 11,237,377 57,178 0.51
12 Drejali 11,120,830 140,715 1.27
13 kriptomajori 10,995,308 54,423 0.49
14 vvm1973 10,904,448 198,676 1.82
15 gobx 10,865,583 51,115 0.47
16 ITWolf 10,783,923 279,824 2.59
17 russya 10,664,422 205,022 1.92
18 romanticboy34 10,164,760 163,733 1.61
19 anonymous 7,179,276 37,530 0.52
20 Stonecutter 6,817,644 127,540 1.87
21 suberdigi 4,198,798 37,011 0.88
22 rockvn 2,117,698 45,892 2.17
23 winardys 2,058,292 40,984 1.99
24 nemorussd9 1,480,095 23,224 1.57
25 ujank 638,515 9,413 1.47
26 anonymous 623,607 6,209 1.00
27 caspian999 479,739 4,251 0.89
28 Jobber4488 312,592 3,162 1.01
29 Coryvmcs1 147,242 1,911 1.30
30 flhctroll 88,173 0 0.00
31 skirabb 18,156 14 0.08