Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,471,819 PPLNS Shares 983,111,725
Height 12,269,297 Estimated Shares 905,099,899
Amount 543.88581398 Target Variance 92.06 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 983,114,518
Difficulty 3535546.4786178 Average Efficiency 92.06 %
Time 2021-01-18 11:08:17 Target Rounds 10
Shares 996,019,580 Seconds This Round 12,240
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 101.31 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 660,785,747 66.34 652,143,023 66.33 99.99 360.78435994
pantomas 52,262,975 5.25 51,717,649 5.26 100.26 28.61169749
irina83 35,142,677 3.53 34,747,122 3.53 100.17 19.22311207
wmao 30,479,191 3.06 30,131,378 3.06 100.16 16.66954908
BK-G28 29,323,633 2.94 29,063,283 2.96 100.41 16.07864803
kwp39jf 22,491,579 2.26 22,235,422 2.26 100.16 12.30127801
minhkhoi3108 22,288,220 2.24 22,000,209 2.24 100.00 12.17115137
CoollDGB 17,922,523 1.80 17,692,615 1.80 100.01 9.78806591
sukitars 17,782,627 1.79 17,566,419 1.79 100.08 9.71825093
anonymous 17,520,398 1.76 17,388,059 1.77 100.55 9.61957688
CTNVK 15,460,883 1.55 15,270,215 1.55 100.06 8.44792441
gobx 8,043,983 0.81 8,011,845 0.81 100.91 4.43238428
Drejali 7,810,718 0.78 7,716,585 0.78 100.09 4.26903780
vvm1973 7,742,954 0.78 7,619,510 0.78 99.70 4.21533332
ITWolf 7,678,542 0.77 7,558,370 0.77 99.73 4.18150901
lepomis 7,435,991 0.75 7,341,896 0.75 100.03 4.06174916
romanticboy34 7,122,523 0.72 7,000,205 0.71 99.57 3.87271571
kriptomajori 5,711,183 0.57 5,605,698 0.57 99.44 3.10123408
anonymous 4,789,003 0.48 4,727,232 0.48 100.01 2.61524165
Stonecutter 4,689,944 0.47 4,625,631 0.47 99.92 2.55903285
Wizardvv 4,907,843 0.49 4,436,386 0.45 91.58 2.45433695
suberdigi 2,952,411 0.30 2,921,747 0.30 100.26 1.61639514
VinZz 1,777,098 0.18 1,752,570 0.18 99.91 0.96957246
rockvn 1,440,917 0.14 1,415,890 0.14 99.55 0.78331131
winardys 1,263,698 0.13 1,242,954 0.13 99.65 0.68763842
anonymous 427,968 0.04 423,907 0.04 100.35 0.23451785
ujank 418,641 0.04 413,787 0.04 100.14 0.22891942
Jobber4488 208,397 0.02 205,592 0.02 99.95 0.11373985
Coryvmcs1 104,530 0.01 103,758 0.01 100.56 0.05740236
nemorussd9 32,768 0.00 32,768 0.00 101.31 0.01812820
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 660,785,747 4,669,974 0.71
2 pantomas 52,262,975 629,455 1.20
3 irina83 35,142,677 203,904 0.58
4 wmao 30,479,191 437,075 1.43
5 BK-G28 29,323,633 1,586,489 5.41
6 kwp39jf 22,491,579 196,698 0.87
7 minhkhoi3108 22,288,220 377,521 1.69
8 CoollDGB 17,922,523 2,212,253 12.34
9 sukitars 17,782,627 196,877 1.11
10 anonymous 17,520,398 76,337 0.44
11 CTNVK 15,460,883 207,096 1.34
12 gobx 8,043,983 31,201 0.39
13 Drejali 7,810,718 122,997 1.57
14 vvm1973 7,742,954 93,679 1.21
15 ITWolf 7,678,542 90,987 1.18
16 lepomis 7,435,991 29,645 0.40
17 romanticboy34 7,122,523 88,085 1.24
18 kriptomajori 5,711,183 22,983 0.40
19 Wizardvv 4,907,843 59,706 1.22
20 anonymous 4,789,003 14,485 0.30
21 Stonecutter 4,689,944 66,523 1.42
22 suberdigi 2,952,411 20,767 0.70
23 VinZz 1,777,098 9,796 0.55
24 rockvn 1,440,917 24,326 1.69
25 winardys 1,263,698 55,618 4.40
26 anonymous 427,968 5,629 1.32
27 ujank 418,641 7,488 1.79
28 Jobber4488 208,397 4,540 2.18
29 Coryvmcs1 104,530 831 0.79
30 nemorussd9 32,768 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 652,143,023 4,595,459 0.70
2 pantomas 51,717,649 619,330 1.20
3 irina83 34,747,122 203,904 0.59
4 wmao 30,131,378 437,075 1.45
5 BK-G28 29,063,283 1,553,656 5.35
6 kwp39jf 22,235,422 189,794 0.85
7 minhkhoi3108 22,000,209 377,521 1.72
8 CoollDGB 17,692,615 2,154,776 12.18
9 sukitars 17,566,419 196,877 1.12
10 anonymous 17,388,059 76,337 0.44
11 CTNVK 15,270,215 207,096 1.36
12 gobx 8,011,845 31,201 0.39
13 Drejali 7,716,585 122,997 1.59
14 vvm1973 7,619,510 93,679 1.23
15 ITWolf 7,558,370 84,774 1.12
16 lepomis 7,341,896 29,645 0.40
17 romanticboy34 7,000,205 88,085 1.26
18 kriptomajori 5,605,698 22,983 0.41
19 anonymous 4,727,232 14,485 0.31
20 Stonecutter 4,625,631 66,523 1.44
21 Wizardvv 4,436,386 59,706 1.35
22 suberdigi 2,921,747 18,897 0.65
23 VinZz 1,752,570 9,796 0.56
24 rockvn 1,415,890 24,326 1.72
25 winardys 1,242,954 55,618 4.47
26 anonymous 423,907 5,629 1.33
27 ujank 413,787 7,345 1.78
28 Jobber4488 205,592 4,375 2.13
29 Coryvmcs1 103,758 831 0.80
30 nemorussd9 32,768 0 0.00