Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,472,088 PPLNS Shares 987,622,007
Height 12,477,425 Estimated Shares 1,146,921,862
Amount 531.83149467 Target Variance 116.13 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 987,641,823
Difficulty 4480163.5218855 Average Efficiency 116.13 %
Time 2021-02-23 10:33:01 Target Rounds 10
Shares 653,339,240 Seconds This Round 6,395
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 66.15 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 319,444,535 48.89 482,778,693 48.88 99.98 259.97487512
lianzi33 29,114,935 4.46 45,435,998 4.60 103.24 24.46714878
VikingDK 27,137,724 4.15 40,845,495 4.14 99.57 21.99517626
babich 24,024,333 3.68 36,168,717 3.66 99.59 19.47674566
Dron1 21,108,482 3.23 32,289,703 3.27 101.19 17.38790843
quymeecon 19,529,728 2.99 29,310,976 2.97 99.28 15.78387246
anonymous 18,523,836 2.84 27,936,924 2.83 99.77 15.04394993
irina83 18,284,428 2.80 27,198,506 2.75 98.40 14.64631378
wmao 16,502,086 2.53 24,423,084 2.47 97.91 13.15175777
zendos 14,198,961 2.17 20,685,572 2.09 96.37 11.13911844
anonymous 12,468,476 1.91 19,767,535 2.00 104.88 10.64475846
BK-G28 12,910,535 1.98 19,031,273 1.93 97.52 10.24828366
minhkhoi3108 11,668,796 1.79 17,305,841 1.75 98.11 9.31914362
CoollDGB 8,962,522 1.37 13,659,658 1.38 100.82 7.35568498
anonymous 8,603,452 1.32 13,009,882 1.32 100.03 7.00578267
anonymous 7,954,595 1.22 11,965,027 1.21 99.50 6.44313159
forkhead 7,715,348 1.18 11,674,523 1.18 100.10 6.28669570
google06ank 7,811,467 1.20 11,668,514 1.18 98.82 6.28345987
leeloke 7,557,512 1.16 11,216,373 1.14 98.18 6.03998332
cafer 7,430,326 1.14 11,147,796 1.13 99.25 6.00305470
Drejali 3,915,304 0.60 6,107,005 0.62 103.18 3.28860398
vvm1973 3,923,196 0.60 6,095,458 0.62 102.78 3.28238634
zzrttl 3,965,235 0.61 6,052,876 0.61 100.98 3.25945584
lepomis 4,041,220 0.62 6,044,878 0.61 98.95 3.25514896
CTNVK 3,852,846 0.59 5,864,138 0.59 100.69 3.15782082
anonymous 3,973,983 0.61 5,859,319 0.59 97.54 3.15522617
kowi1 3,724,595 0.57 5,801,055 0.59 103.03 3.12385077
kriptomajori 4,023,797 0.62 5,657,300 0.57 93.01 3.04643956
ITWolf 3,661,126 0.56 5,615,651 0.57 101.47 3.02401122
zaferbektass 3,653,750 0.56 5,408,820 0.55 97.93 2.91263379
anonymous 2,691,853 0.41 3,924,975 0.40 96.46 2.11358755
Stonecutter 2,344,258 0.36 3,600,311 0.36 101.60 1.93875688
anonymous 2,562,792 0.39 2,562,792 0.26 66.15 1.38005614
damiano79 0 0.00 2,387,384 0.24 100.00 1.28559930
suberdigi 1,493,605 0.23 2,265,214 0.23 100.33 1.21981095
Fenomen 1,630,257 0.25 1,630,257 0.17 66.15 0.87788872
winardys 749,492 0.11 1,126,180 0.11 99.40 0.60644469
rockvn 717,596 0.11 1,091,834 0.11 100.65 0.58794966
briano 660,963 0.10 1,018,230 0.10 101.91 0.54831423
andreev13 0 0.00 779,370 0.08 100.00 0.41968865
ujank 237,936 0.04 357,550 0.04 99.41 0.19253975
anonymous 213,836 0.03 328,646 0.03 101.67 0.17697491
consan1 114,673 0.02 171,736 0.02 99.07 0.09247949
Jobber4488 112,615 0.02 168,382 0.02 98.91 0.09067355
Stefan-Neumann-1985 53,093 0.01 83,675 0.01 104.26 0.04505921
Coryvmcs1 57,926 0.01 82,893 0.01 94.67 0.04463800
anonymous 9,442 0.00 14,239 0.00 99.76 0.00766821
knarles 1,749 0.00 1,749 0.00 66.15 0.00094219
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 319,444,535 1,467,917 0.46
2 lianzi33 29,114,935 6,427,508 22.08
3 VikingDK 27,137,724 65,536 0.24
4 babich 24,024,333 290,357 1.21
5 Dron1 21,108,482 100,394 0.48
6 quymeecon 19,529,728 180,224 0.92
7 anonymous 18,523,836 752,906 4.06
8 irina83 18,284,428 149,789 0.82
9 wmao 16,502,086 123,465 0.75
10 zendos 14,198,961 1,417,980 9.99
11 BK-G28 12,910,535 687,223 5.32
12 anonymous 12,468,476 499,178 4.00
13 minhkhoi3108 11,668,796 169,511 1.45
14 CoollDGB 8,962,522 1,299,834 14.50
15 anonymous 8,603,452 57,992 0.67
16 anonymous 7,954,595 115,519 1.45
17 google06ank 7,811,467 110,667 1.42
18 forkhead 7,715,348 140,203 1.82
19 leeloke 7,557,512 425,352 5.63
20 cafer 7,430,326 136,190 1.83
21 lepomis 4,041,220 43,053 1.07
22 kriptomajori 4,023,797 31,030 0.77
23 anonymous 3,973,983 131,337 3.30
24 zzrttl 3,965,235 46,210 1.17
25 vvm1973 3,923,196 67,292 1.72
26 Drejali 3,915,304 53,230 1.36
27 CTNVK 3,852,846 47,578 1.23
28 kowi1 3,724,595 46,593 1.25
29 ITWolf 3,661,126 53,766 1.47
30 zaferbektass 3,653,750 20,309 0.56
31 anonymous 2,691,853 11,815 0.44
32 anonymous 2,562,792 5,842 0.23
33 Stonecutter 2,344,258 24,802 1.06
34 Fenomen 1,630,257 54,176 3.32
35 suberdigi 1,493,605 16,680 1.12
36 winardys 749,492 16,362 2.18
37 rockvn 717,596 20,873 2.91
38 briano 660,963 13,345 2.02
39 ujank 237,936 4,039 1.70
40 anonymous 213,836 3,890 1.82
41 consan1 114,673 767 0.67
42 Jobber4488 112,615 1,533 1.36
43 Coryvmcs1 57,926 530 0.91
44 Stefan-Neumann-1985 53,093 337 0.63
45 anonymous 9,442 272 2.88
46 knarles 1,749 15 0.86
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 482,778,693 2,206,758 0.46
2 lianzi33 45,435,998 9,251,387 20.36
3 VikingDK 40,845,495 98,304 0.24
4 babich 36,168,717 439,520 1.22
5 Dron1 32,289,703 125,183 0.39
6 quymeecon 29,310,976 360,448 1.23
7 anonymous 27,936,924 1,072,561 3.84
8 irina83 27,198,506 209,307 0.77
9 wmao 24,423,084 184,818 0.76
10 zendos 20,685,572 2,061,902 9.97
11 anonymous 19,767,535 655,085 3.31
12 BK-G28 19,031,273 1,073,480 5.64
13 minhkhoi3108 17,305,841 237,171 1.37
14 CoollDGB 13,659,658 1,836,971 13.45
15 anonymous 13,009,882 57,992 0.45
16 anonymous 11,965,027 161,338 1.35
17 forkhead 11,674,523 218,055 1.87
18 google06ank 11,668,514 162,998 1.40
19 leeloke 11,216,373 668,333 5.96
20 cafer 11,147,796 185,658 1.67
21 Drejali 6,107,005 74,340 1.22
22 vvm1973 6,095,458 108,529 1.78
23 zzrttl 6,052,876 86,770 1.43
24 lepomis 6,044,878 52,482 0.87
25 CTNVK 5,864,138 87,393 1.49
26 anonymous 5,859,319 225,478 3.85
27 kowi1 5,801,055 82,286 1.42
28 kriptomajori 5,657,300 43,211 0.76
29 ITWolf 5,615,651 82,667 1.47
30 zaferbektass 5,408,820 24,290 0.45
31 anonymous 3,924,975 11,815 0.30
32 Stonecutter 3,600,311 28,706 0.80
33 anonymous 2,562,792 5,842 0.23
34 damiano79 2,387,384 10,977 0.46
35 suberdigi 2,265,214 22,080 0.97
36 Fenomen 1,630,257 54,176 3.32
37 winardys 1,126,180 24,700 2.19
38 rockvn 1,091,834 30,498 2.79
39 briano 1,018,230 19,859 1.95
40 andreev13 779,370 55,807 7.16
41 ujank 357,550 6,195 1.73
42 anonymous 328,646 6,373 1.94
43 consan1 171,736 767 0.45
44 Jobber4488 168,382 2,076 1.23
45 Stefan-Neumann-1985 83,675 674 0.81
46 Coryvmcs1 82,893 937 1.13
47 anonymous 14,239 435 3.05
48 knarles 1,749 15 0.86