Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,472,092 PPLNS Shares 1,436,394,223
Height 12,482,130 Estimated Shares 620,312,859
Amount 531.8147782 Target Variance 43.19 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,436,394,563
Difficulty 2423097.1062862 Average Efficiency 43.19 %
Time 2021-02-24 06:05:49 Target Rounds 10
Shares 3,017,718,746 Seconds This Round 30,037
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 210.09 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 1,362,888,525 45.16 622,842,183 43.36 96.01 230.60289924
pantomas 59,513,892 1.97 59,513,892 4.14 210.09 22.03459661
BK-G28 131,930,645 4.37 59,403,844 4.14 94.60 21.99385210
lianzi33 142,966,622 4.74 59,369,809 4.13 87.24 21.98125075
Dron1 128,912,788 4.27 58,536,276 4.08 95.40 21.67264108
VikingDK 123,900,795 4.11 58,468,869 4.07 99.14 21.64768419
babich 112,236,718 3.72 51,662,130 3.60 96.70 19.12753717
quymeecon 91,662,461 3.04 42,543,229 2.96 97.51 15.75132882
irina83 83,600,113 2.77 36,939,492 2.57 92.83 13.67658514
wmao 73,621,825 2.44 33,551,381 2.34 95.74 12.42216075
DGB888 31,657,525 1.05 31,657,525 2.20 210.09 11.72097435
CoollDGB 54,008,492 1.79 30,913,009 2.15 120.25 11.44532236
zendos 62,394,323 2.07 28,736,438 2.00 96.76 10.63946231
anonymous 62,204,907 2.06 28,430,236 1.98 96.02 10.52609333
minhkhoi3108 53,781,225 1.78 24,477,831 1.70 95.62 9.06274344
anonymous 42,168,737 1.40 19,539,046 1.36 97.35 7.23419336
google06ank 37,701,584 1.25 17,838,044 1.24 99.40 6.60440958
leeloke 36,756,738 1.22 17,827,220 1.24 101.89 6.60040177
forkhead 37,339,211 1.24 17,187,319 1.20 96.70 6.36348312
cafer 36,705,251 1.22 16,994,078 1.18 97.27 6.29193707
anonymous 36,748,993 1.22 16,718,169 1.16 95.58 6.18978343
Drejali 18,560,864 0.62 8,897,392 0.62 100.71 3.29419646
lepomis 19,253,810 0.64 8,716,520 0.61 95.11 3.22722970
vvm1973 18,711,170 0.62 8,610,558 0.60 96.68 3.18799810
kowi1 17,132,029 0.57 8,254,026 0.57 101.22 3.05599465
ITWolf 18,164,996 0.60 8,194,651 0.57 94.78 3.03401166
CTNVK 17,998,835 0.60 8,193,259 0.57 95.64 3.03349633
anonymous 17,638,104 0.58 8,068,428 0.56 96.10 2.98727844
zzrttl 17,976,028 0.60 7,919,902 0.55 92.56 2.93228783
zaferbektass 16,267,835 0.54 7,515,652 0.52 97.06 2.78261686
caspian999 6,032,680 0.20 6,032,680 0.42 210.09 2.23355719
anonymous 12,771,718 0.42 5,900,431 0.41 97.06 2.18459273
Stonecutter 11,454,165 0.38 5,461,491 0.38 100.17 2.02207865
suberdigi 7,023,059 0.23 3,237,794 0.23 96.86 1.19877050
nemorussd9 1,900,068 0.06 1,900,068 0.13 210.09 0.70348682
rockvn 3,482,300 0.12 1,608,976 0.11 97.07 0.59571211
winardys 3,551,696 0.12 1,575,397 0.11 93.19 0.58327961
briano 3,235,005 0.11 1,449,820 0.10 94.16 0.53678592
anonymous 1,070,349 0.04 486,285 0.03 95.45 0.18004371
ujank 1,020,933 0.03 434,499 0.03 89.41 0.16087041
Jobber4488 550,961 0.02 255,703 0.02 97.50 0.09467223
consan1 520,207 0.02 237,577 0.02 95.95 0.08796153
Stefan-Neumann-1985 269,959 0.01 127,457 0.01 99.19 0.04719016
Coryvmcs1 267,140 0.01 124,214 0.01 97.69 0.04598953
anonymous 44,144 0.00 19,793 0.00 94.20 0.00732835
knarles 34,581 0.00 15,446 0.00 93.84 0.00571903
redaot 12,514 0.00 5,928 0.00 99.52 0.00219485
m3ist3r_m4rc3l 512 0.00 256 0.00 105.04 0.00009477
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,362,888,525 25,206,800 1.85
2 lianzi33 142,966,622 31,021,078 21.70
3 BK-G28 131,930,645 6,828,705 5.18
4 Dron1 128,912,788 747,128 0.58
5 VikingDK 123,900,795 376,832 0.30
6 babich 112,236,718 1,448,958 1.29
7 quymeecon 91,662,461 1,622,016 1.77
8 irina83 83,600,113 476,242 0.57
9 wmao 73,621,825 633,604 0.86
10 zendos 62,394,323 5,279,582 8.46
11 anonymous 62,204,907 1,621,578 2.61
12 pantomas 59,513,892 580,083 0.97
13 CoollDGB 54,008,492 6,537,263 12.10
14 minhkhoi3108 53,781,225 1,092,433 2.03
15 anonymous 42,168,737 147,132 0.35
16 google06ank 37,701,584 399,921 1.06
17 forkhead 37,339,211 630,297 1.69
18 leeloke 36,756,738 2,390,853 6.50
19 anonymous 36,748,993 511,444 1.39
20 cafer 36,705,251 623,037 1.70
21 DGB888 31,657,525 3,689,042 11.65
22 lepomis 19,253,810 76,933 0.40
23 vvm1973 18,711,170 274,750 1.47
24 Drejali 18,560,864 350,895 1.89
25 ITWolf 18,164,996 277,329 1.53
26 CTNVK 17,998,835 268,857 1.49
27 zzrttl 17,976,028 406,782 2.26
28 anonymous 17,638,104 498,335 2.83
29 kowi1 17,132,029 254,071 1.48
30 zaferbektass 16,267,835 131,993 0.81
31 anonymous 12,771,718 67,193 0.53
32 Stonecutter 11,454,165 139,872 1.22
33 suberdigi 7,023,059 60,532 0.86
34 caspian999 6,032,680 33,326 0.55
35 winardys 3,551,696 66,031 1.86
36 rockvn 3,482,300 98,276 2.82
37 briano 3,235,005 46,415 1.43
38 nemorussd9 1,900,068 15,241 0.80
39 anonymous 1,070,349 15,310 1.43
40 ujank 1,020,933 16,251 1.59
41 Jobber4488 550,961 5,798 1.05
42 consan1 520,207 4,186 0.80
43 Stefan-Neumann-1985 269,959 1,788 0.66
44 Coryvmcs1 267,140 5,173 1.94
45 anonymous 44,144 787 1.78
46 anonymous 39,543 0 0.00
47 knarles 34,581 333 0.96
48 koldun_111 32,146 768 2.39
49 redaot 12,514 71 0.57
50 m3ist3r_m4rc3l 512 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 622,842,183 11,174,261 1.79
2 pantomas 59,513,892 580,083 0.97
3 BK-G28 59,403,844 3,056,979 5.15
4 lianzi33 59,369,809 16,065,418 27.06
5 Dron1 58,536,276 398,668 0.68
6 VikingDK 58,468,869 196,608 0.34
7 babich 51,662,130 671,468 1.30
8 quymeecon 42,543,229 884,736 2.08
9 irina83 36,939,492 250,486 0.68
10 wmao 33,551,381 304,060 0.91
11 DGB888 31,657,525 3,689,042 11.65
12 CoollDGB 30,913,009 3,557,855 11.51
13 zendos 28,736,438 2,393,488 8.33
14 anonymous 28,430,236 757,134 2.66
15 minhkhoi3108 24,477,831 443,036 1.81
16 anonymous 19,539,046 34,957 0.18
17 google06ank 17,838,044 173,373 0.97
18 leeloke 17,827,220 1,295,646 7.27
19 forkhead 17,187,319 300,783 1.75
20 cafer 16,994,078 304,763 1.79
21 anonymous 16,718,169 203,086 1.21
22 Drejali 8,897,392 103,773 1.17
23 lepomis 8,716,520 37,208 0.43
24 vvm1973 8,610,558 154,520 1.79
25 kowi1 8,254,026 110,197 1.34
26 ITWolf 8,194,651 121,502 1.48
27 CTNVK 8,193,259 129,953 1.59
28 anonymous 8,068,428 255,871 3.17
29 zzrttl 7,919,902 168,254 2.12
30 zaferbektass 7,515,652 45,565 0.61
31 caspian999 6,032,680 33,326 0.55
32 anonymous 5,900,431 25,455 0.43
33 Stonecutter 5,461,491 40,515 0.74
34 suberdigi 3,237,794 29,429 0.91
35 nemorussd9 1,900,068 15,241 0.80
36 rockvn 1,608,976 48,875 3.04
37 winardys 1,575,397 30,997 1.97
38 briano 1,449,820 22,430 1.55
39 anonymous 486,285 7,294 1.50
40 ujank 434,499 7,201 1.66
41 Jobber4488 255,703 1,904 0.74
42 consan1 237,577 2,011 0.85
43 Stefan-Neumann-1985 127,457 752 0.59
44 Coryvmcs1 124,214 1,792 1.44
45 anonymous 19,793 369 1.86
46 knarles 15,446 132 0.85
47 redaot 5,928 20 0.34
48 m3ist3r_m4rc3l 256 0 0.00