Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 201,078 PPLNS Shares 355,188
Height 4,377,868 Estimated Shares 1,080,574
Amount 901.23191821 Target Variance 304.23 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 355,551
Difficulty 4220.992186809 Average Efficiency 303.92 %
Time 2017-04-25 18:26:10 Target Rounds 10
Shares 695,779 Seconds This Round 1,014
Finder anonymous Round Variance 195.89 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
anonymous 218,786 31.44 110,575 31.13 99.00 280.56352288
anonymous 169,786 24.40 83,182 23.42 95.97 211.05932367
anonymous 111,708 16.06 58,235 16.40 102.12 147.76048338
RegardV 87,787 12.62 49,335 13.89 110.09 125.17830042
anonymous 42,579 6.12 21,912 6.17 100.81 55.59942054
ofpcarnage 17,905 2.57 8,644 2.43 94.57 21.93264528
anonymous 17,242 2.48 8,455 2.38 96.06 21.45503725
team97430 9,420 1.35 5,059 1.42 105.20 12.83709887
anonymous 8,423 1.21 4,369 1.23 101.61 11.08628274
xxguestxx 8,959 1.29 4,167 1.17 91.11 10.57538770
Shahisa001 3,155 0.45 1,244 0.35 77.24 3.15650522
Lakoronne 25 0.00 11 0.00 86.19 0.02791025
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 218,786 3,793 1.73
2 anonymous 169,786 5,448 3.21
3 anonymous 111,708 1,588 1.42
4 RegardV 87,787 1,862 2.12
5 anonymous 42,579 710 1.67
6 ofpcarnage 17,905 34 0.19
7 anonymous 17,242 516 2.99
8 team97430 9,420 437 4.64
9 xxguestxx 8,959 304 3.39
10 anonymous 8,423 42 0.50
11 Shahisa001 3,155 36 1.14
12 Lakoronne 25 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 110,575 2,250 2.03
2 anonymous 83,182 2,779 3.34
3 anonymous 58,235 0 0.00
4 RegardV 49,335 568 1.15
5 anonymous 21,912 324 1.48
6 ofpcarnage 8,644 34 0.39
7 anonymous 8,455 516 6.10
8 team97430 5,059 227 4.49
9 anonymous 4,369 0 0.00
10 xxguestxx 4,167 0 0.00
11 Shahisa001 1,244 21 1.69
12 Lakoronne 11 0 0.00