Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 298,848 PPLNS Shares 1,343,405
Height 4,537,592 Estimated Shares 638,568
Amount 891.17417 Target Variance 47.53 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,344,160
Difficulty 2494.4066283621 Average Efficiency 47.51 %
Time 2017-05-23 06:56:29 Target Rounds 10
Shares 657,259 Seconds This Round 140
Finder RegardV Round Variance 48.92 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
dungbtc2016 328,302 49.95 673,680 50.15 100.39 446.89313114
bembegi 53,248 8.10 114,688 8.54 105.38 76.07952891
anonymous 27,443 4.18 52,395 3.90 93.41 34.75725335
anonymous 25,037 3.81 51,756 3.85 101.14 34.33341707
anonymous 20,453 3.11 51,090 3.80 122.21 33.89125040
anonymous 19,707 3.00 47,278 3.52 117.37 31.36247997
rewersant 18,596 2.83 44,436 3.31 116.91 29.47774606
anonymous 19,673 2.99 35,210 2.62 87.56 23.35724705
anonymous 17,378 2.64 35,184 2.62 99.05 23.34013170
anonymous 16,128 2.45 28,928 2.15 87.75 19.18970260
RegardV 12,381 1.88 22,726 1.69 89.80 15.07564873
Schwacke 8,762 1.33 22,134 1.65 123.59 14.68310905
vogt37 10,496 1.60 20,224 1.51 94.27 13.41580974
rnahlawi 10,615 1.62 18,576 1.38 85.62 12.32297436
valeriks 8,854 1.35 15,602 1.16 86.21 10.35017131
kenny85 7,101 1.08 14,784 1.10 101.86 9.80745703
pmlavv 7,314 1.11 12,348 0.92 82.60 8.19125679
chrismcband 7,551 1.15 9,736 0.72 63.08 6.45851762
dvpintado 4,331 0.66 8,730 0.65 98.62 5.79157776
maxpower 3,367 0.51 6,755 0.50 98.15 4.48142286
anonymous 3,189 0.49 6,690 0.50 102.64 4.43846194
anonymous 4,944 0.75 5,723 0.43 56.63 3.79689657
electronian 2,511 0.38 5,317 0.40 103.60 3.52757821
anonymous 2,690 0.41 4,632 0.34 84.25 3.07333229
mfnikitos 2,075 0.32 4,630 0.34 109.17 3.07160101
VictorGT 2,727 0.41 4,573 0.34 82.04 3.03410245
Hercules999 2,314 0.35 4,474 0.33 94.59 2.96813444
anonymous 1,810 0.28 3,457 0.26 93.44 2.29327632
lora19812 1,405 0.21 3,295 0.25 114.74 2.18634629
meprun 551 0.08 2,506 0.19 222.51 1.66266053
rjaiper 943 0.14 2,452 0.18 127.22 1.62703575
nog2009 1,608 0.24 2,419 0.18 73.60 1.60513042
orionssoftware 1,132 0.17 1,979 0.15 85.53 1.31301538
wotzye 1,004 0.15 1,854 0.14 90.35 1.23004992
team97430 930 0.14 1,674 0.12 88.06 1.11053393
sanborN 495 0.08 1,124 0.08 111.09 0.74620214
Aklynsmith 122 0.02 238 0.02 95.44 0.15822076
anonymous 55 0.01 103 0.01 91.62 0.06844129
anonymous 4 0.00 5 0.00 61.16 0.00331677
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 dungbtc2016 328,302 10,780 3.28
2 bembegi 53,248 3,072 5.77
3 anonymous 27,443 878 3.20
4 anonymous 25,037 1,126 4.50
5 anonymous 20,453 797 3.90
6 anonymous 19,707 550 2.79
7 anonymous 19,673 736 3.74
8 rewersant 18,596 0 0.00
9 anonymous 17,378 625 3.60
10 anonymous 16,128 0 0.00
11 RegardV 12,381 0 0.00
12 rnahlawi 10,615 0 0.00
13 vogt37 10,496 0 0.00
14 valeriks 8,854 706 7.97
15 Schwacke 8,762 0 0.00
16 chrismcband 7,551 0 0.00
17 pmlavv 7,314 489 6.69
18 kenny85 7,101 0 0.00
19 anonymous 4,944 744 15.05
20 dvpintado 4,331 169 3.90
21 maxpower 3,367 208 6.18
22 anonymous 3,189 239 7.49
23 VictorGT 2,727 0 0.00
24 anonymous 2,690 0 0.00
25 electronian 2,511 0 0.00
26 Hercules999 2,314 0 0.00
27 mfnikitos 2,075 159 7.66
28 anonymous 1,810 164 9.06
29 nog2009 1,608 0 0.00
30 lora19812 1,405 0 0.00
31 orionssoftware 1,132 87 7.69
32 wotzye 1,004 0 0.00
33 rjaiper 943 0 0.00
34 team97430 930 93 10.00
35 meprun 551 0 0.00
36 sanborN 495 0 0.00
37 Aklynsmith 122 4 3.28
38 anonymous 55 0 0.00
39 anonymous 4 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 dungbtc2016 673,680 33,716 5.00
2 bembegi 114,688 5,376 4.69
3 anonymous 52,395 1,317 2.51
4 anonymous 51,756 1,897 3.67
5 anonymous 51,090 1,479 2.89
6 anonymous 47,278 1,033 2.18
7 rewersant 44,436 3,948 8.88
8 anonymous 35,210 736 2.09
9 anonymous 35,184 1,045 2.97
10 anonymous 28,928 256 0.88
11 RegardV 22,726 271 1.19
12 Schwacke 22,134 397 1.79
13 vogt37 20,224 0 0.00
14 rnahlawi 18,576 0 0.00
15 valeriks 15,602 706 4.53
16 kenny85 14,784 322 2.18
17 pmlavv 12,348 489 3.96
18 chrismcband 9,736 325 3.34
19 dvpintado 8,730 169 1.94
20 maxpower 6,755 208 3.08
21 anonymous 6,690 239 3.57
22 anonymous 5,723 744 13.00
23 electronian 5,317 0 0.00
24 anonymous 4,632 0 0.00
25 mfnikitos 4,630 159 3.43
26 VictorGT 4,573 0 0.00
27 Hercules999 4,474 0 0.00
28 anonymous 3,457 329 9.52
29 lora19812 3,295 0 0.00
30 meprun 2,506 0 0.00
31 rjaiper 2,452 0 0.00
32 nog2009 2,419 0 0.00
33 orionssoftware 1,979 87 4.40
34 wotzye 1,854 0 0.00
35 team97430 1,674 186 11.11
36 sanborN 1,124 0 0.00
37 Aklynsmith 238 4 1.68
38 anonymous 103 0 0.00
39 anonymous 5 0 0.00