Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Contributor Shares
Rank Donor User Name Shares
1 gobx 4,753,807,010
2 suberdigi 285,558,054
3 Tegar1 22,831,580
4 raimis24 150,638
5 d329 131,072
6 chup 89,856
7 Stefan-Neumann-1985 13,083
8 Wizardvv 512
9 anonymous 512
Contributor Hashrates
Rank Donor User Name KH/s DGBQ/Day
1 gobx 16,934,816 83.913
2 suberdigi 4,462,695 22.113
3 Tegar1 145,593 0.721
General Statistics
Pool Hash Rate 21,511.450 MH/s
Pool Efficiency 90.42%
Current Active Workers 4
Current Difficulty 1,266,950.00000000
Est. Next Difficulty 0.00000000 (Change in 1 Blocks)
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) 1 minute 18 seconds
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) 80 hours 28 minutes 55 seconds
Est. Shares this Round 324,339,200 (done: 0%)
Next Network Block 21,117,471    (Current: 21,117,470)
Last Block Found 20,929,948
Time Since Last Block 778 hours 44 minutes 29 seconds
Last Found Blocks
Block Finder Time Actual Shares
20929948 gobx 02/25/2025 04:27:13 252,899,309
20921830 gobx 02/23/2025 18:37:13 531,775,522
20901816 gobx 02/20/2025 07:32:02 115,490,610
20898092 gobx 02/19/2025 15:58:01 68,307,910
20895885 gobx 02/19/2025 06:48:33 663,362,228
20862942 gobx 02/13/2025 14:07:26 693,782,300
20839765 gobx 02/09/2025 13:59:26 77,618,929
20837194 gobx 02/09/2025 03:22:41 488,201,814
20820554 gobx 02/06/2025 06:20:47 192,472,198
20813875 gobx 02/05/2025 02:33:32 1,784,470,162