Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,503,388 196,558 194,547 2,011 1.02 516,496.3951 25,723,602,988,153 26,619,704,390,656 103.48% 157,551,746.7101 4.32%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 1 1 0 0.00 2,465,533.6085 631,176,604 653,995,093 103.62% 347.1755 0.07%
Last 7 Days 10,080 12 12 0 0.00 1,726,291.0045 5,303,165,966 6,121,735,225 115.44% 4,166.1047 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 57 57 0 0.00 1,383,964.4866 20,194,809,789 24,369,903,620 120.67% 19,875.2320 0.14%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 83 83 0 0.00 1,292,614.1033 27,465,464,467 32,142,862,383 117.03% 29,036.1751 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
12190893 Confirmed jeanpi85 01/04/2021 22:10:20 2,371,041.9922 543.8858 606,986,750 814,447,427 322,713,370 53.17
12190668 Confirmed Wizardvv 01/04/2021 21:14:29 3,754,259.1170 543.8860 961,090,334 832,930,101 856,870,546 89.16
12190069 Confirmed pantomas 01/04/2021 18:44:17 1,960,530.3898 543.8858 501,895,780 765,999,573 420,879,710 83.86
12189775 Confirmed pantomas 01/04/2021 17:30:33 3,158,877.9411 543.8858 808,672,753 732,200,273 1,203,167,423 148.78
12188928 Confirmed mikel81 01/04/2021 14:02:49 3,444,057.9950 543.8858 881,678,847 640,336,812 908,322,770 103.02
12188287 Confirmed minhkhoi3108 01/04/2021 11:21:08 4,443,534.5181 543.8930 1,137,544,837 580,589,608 857,939,355 75.42
12187642 Confirmed mikel81 01/04/2021 08:42:35 3,370,543.3990 543.8863 862,859,110 576,881,482 384,176,942 44.52
12187354 Confirmed mikel81 01/04/2021 07:30:32 1,721,099.0205 543.8876 440,601,349 963,864,350 577,967,970 131.18
12186916 Confirmed sivmain 01/04/2021 05:42:45 3,173,145.3119 543.8859 812,325,200 982,752,894 565,956,779 69.67
12186487 Confirmed mikel81 01/04/2021 03:56:51 2,619,491.4197 543.8858 670,589,803 1,026,283,485 2,046,536,504 305.18
12184924 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 21:31:22 6,165,264.9229 543.8858 1,578,307,820 897,558,075 507,515,583 32.16
12184536 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 19:54:34 3,302,242.5036 543.8876 845,374,081 1,276,308,540 187,575,449 22.19
12184403 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 19:18:42 4,675,398.8696 543.8858 1,196,902,111 1,335,471,312 82,850,783 6.92
12184339 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 19:02:32 2,692,946.0173 543.8863 689,394,180 1,534,734,046 284,646,212 41.29
12184122 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 18:06:38 3,596,023.0989 543.9052 920,581,913 1,663,345,944 310,731,609 33.75
12183882 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 17:06:18 6,833,532.3254 543.8890 1,749,384,275 1,892,167,378 820,918,550 46.93
12183229 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 14:26:14 3,063,530.1689 543.8860 784,263,723 1,857,071,625 4,254,001,623 542.42
12179938 Confirmed mikel81 01/03/2021 00:47:05 3,171,772.2503 543.8858 811,973,696 1,473,531,240 766,875,490 94.45
12179353 Confirmed mikel81 01/02/2021 22:18:45 4,808,426.7059 543.8858 1,230,957,237 1,429,764,377 1,001,217,054 81.34
12178563 Confirmed Meanboycoin 01/02/2021 19:06:13 4,563,184.9502 543.8858 1,168,175,347 1,374,864,593 759,383,589 65.01
Totals 18,659,559,146 22,651,103,135 17,120,247,311 91.75