Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,520,100 196,575 194,564 2,011 1.02 516,626.9828 25,732,355,145,426 26,628,672,596,143 103.48% 157,557,648.7068 4.30%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 5 5 0 0.00 2,257,138.5164 2,889,137,301 4,439,877,641 153.67% 1,735.8765 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 48 48 0 0.00 1,773,235.9926 21,789,523,877 25,420,383,609 116.66% 16,664.4568 0.12%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 100 100 0 0.00 1,414,750.8492 36,217,621,739 41,111,067,870 113.51% 34,938.1717 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
13170868 Confirmed leeloke 06/23/2021 09:04:31 850,684.8456 508.4683 217,775,320 289,996,473 23,015,329 10.57
13170862 Confirmed forkhead 06/23/2021 09:03:14 857,580.7534 508.4687 219,540,673 300,763,571 24,824,141 11.31
13170851 Confirmed rengos 06/23/2021 09:01:20 882,266.6781 508.4683 225,860,270 311,986,286 548,358,730 242.79
13170710 Confirmed mikel8111 06/23/2021 08:26:05 2,656,156.7818 508.4687 679,976,136 266,356,310 499,514,770 73.46
13170592 Confirmed mikel8111 06/23/2021 07:55:04 1,486,498.8908 508.4683 380,543,716 266,454,122 345,045,155 90.67
13170510 Confirmed mikel8111 06/23/2021 07:33:49 2,729,121.5652 508.4683 698,655,121 243,863,694 631,777,809 90.43
13170344 Confirmed ts251005 06/23/2021 06:53:55 2,341,119.0379 508.4683 599,326,474 237,969,537 138,874,730 23.17
13170311 Confirmed mikel8111 06/23/2021 06:45:37 2,397,513.4008 508.4683 613,763,431 295,910,876 235,077,179 38.30
13170254 Confirmed khacsao 06/23/2021 06:30:49 1,077,838.9112 508.4683 275,926,761 290,104,454 195,969,105 71.02
13170195 Confirmed rengos 06/23/2021 06:18:36 1,306,416.9201 508.4689 334,442,732 295,275,201 257,561,556 77.01
13170142 Confirmed irina83 06/23/2021 06:02:31 1,184,929.4487 508.4683 303,341,939 279,217,902 130,704,122 43.09
13170099 Confirmed ts251005 06/23/2021 05:53:59 794,739.9107 508.4753 203,453,417 318,984,978 137,003,217 67.34
13170070 Confirmed anonymous 06/23/2021 05:45:58 885,960.6216 508.4686 226,805,919 352,500,172 92,086,142 40.60
13170042 Confirmed buratinossssssssss 06/23/2021 05:40:35 715,164.6516 508.4683 183,082,151 349,027,772 500,454,015 273.35
13169914 Confirmed nhanpro 06/23/2021 05:09:59 1,642,534.9842 508.4686 420,488,956 311,963,381 119,141,543 28.33
13169891 Confirmed And28 06/23/2021 05:02:16 2,174,590.7924 508.4683 556,695,243 328,862,019 572,941,727 102.92
13169754 Confirmed BK-G28 06/23/2021 04:27:46 1,816,398.1302 508.4683 464,997,921 272,624,554 718,256,624 154.46
13169575 Confirmed mongtrinh 06/23/2021 03:43:56 1,188,076.6581 508.4683 304,147,624 215,832,348 177,069,989 58.22
13169535 Confirmed mikel8111 06/23/2021 03:33:21 648,316.1100 508.4683 165,968,924 234,772,667 247,592,351 149.18
13169469 Confirmed minhkhoi3108 06/23/2021 03:18:05 2,004,800.6961 508.4805 513,228,978 220,167,087 97,074,027 18.91
Totals 7,588,021,706 5,682,633,404 5,692,342,261 75.02