Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,510,882 196,571 194,560 2,011 1.02 516,585.3866 25,729,754,322,230 26,624,601,772,996 103.48% 157,556,260.0055 4.31%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 2 2 0 0.00 1,083,139.8458 554,567,601 1,242,799,649 224.10% 694.3507 0.14%
Last 7 Days 10,080 15 15 0 0.00 1,868,929.1991 7,176,688,124 6,419,497,659 89.45% 5,207.6470 0.15%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 50 50 0 0.00 1,649,463.5506 21,113,133,447 24,142,123,953 114.35% 17,366.6520 0.12%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 96 96 0 0.00 1,367,871.0345 33,616,798,544 37,040,244,723 110.18% 33,549.4704 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
14054263 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/23/2021 03:21:17 3,357,092.6756 480.7227 859,415,725 396,197,518 80,346,466 9.35
14054255 Confirmed mikel8111 11/23/2021 03:15:40 2,243,734.2495 480.7231 574,395,968 413,592,199 474,989,373 82.69
14054139 Confirmed ts251005 11/23/2021 02:46:07 1,680,657.9750 480.7220 430,248,442 513,350,823 147,516,283 34.29
14054095 Confirmed mikel8111 11/23/2021 02:36:40 2,297,674.8353 480.7226 588,204,758 515,419,131 350,641,364 59.61
14054016 Confirmed Dano0 11/23/2021 02:14:34 3,093,404.2252 480.7227 791,911,482 584,366,828 3,029,550 0.38
14054013 Confirmed antztech 11/23/2021 02:13:38 2,631,220.2519 480.7220 673,592,384 664,257,982 93,426,777 13.87
14053985 Confirmed BK-G28 11/23/2021 02:08:15 1,050,150.3843 480.7220 268,838,498 701,847,081 1,675,531,982 623.25
14053554 Confirmed quymeecon 11/23/2021 00:22:01 1,468,826.9910 480.7260 376,019,710 566,993,408 897,443,189 238.67
14053338 Confirmed anonymous 11/22/2021 23:25:23 1,837,735.0884 480.7220 470,460,183 512,221,649 213,004,471 45.28
14053281 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/22/2021 23:11:38 2,403,771.8309 480.7290 615,365,589 735,960,823 26,182,482 4.25
14053279 Confirmed sukitars 11/22/2021 23:10:29 2,168,282.4846 480.7221 555,080,316 753,659,628 254,222,644 45.80
14053203 Confirmed ts251005 11/22/2021 22:54:21 2,103,169.3075 480.7220 538,411,343 743,999,799 1,472,633,203 273.51
14052842 Confirmed mikel8111 11/22/2021 21:21:27 3,182,163.7384 480.7220 814,633,917 675,859,762 168,166,357 20.64
14052795 Confirmed mikel8111 11/22/2021 21:10:49 2,237,916.0122 480.7232 572,906,499 769,700,521 1,040,097,110 181.55
14052536 Confirmed fatihsenel 11/22/2021 20:04:53 2,400,759.0988 480.7220 614,594,329 733,658,234 802,032,052 130.50
14052335 Confirmed mikel8111 11/22/2021 19:14:12 1,083,401.9973 480.7220 277,350,911 759,753,630 469,221,796 169.18
14052206 Confirmed ts251005 11/22/2021 18:43:53 2,467,691.7168 480.7222 631,729,079 773,752,625 326,967,135 51.76
14052121 Confirmed And28 11/22/2021 18:23:02 2,541,356.1141 480.7220 650,587,165 796,982,292 349,754,305 53.76
14052021 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/22/2021 18:00:30 4,250,273.8842 480.7233 1,088,070,114 850,099,083 2,450,368,664 225.20
14051389 Confirmed mikel8111 11/22/2021 15:24:04 2,014,335.5603 480.7234 515,669,903 698,413,047 203,294,009 39.42
Totals 11,907,486,315 13,160,086,063 11,498,869,212 96.57