Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,505,730 196,561 194,550 2,011 1.02 516,511.3516 25,724,744,566,500 26,621,493,753,275 103.49% 157,552,788.2361 4.32%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 3 3 0 0.00 1,486,430.1383 1,141,578,346 1,789,362,619 156.74% 1,041.5260 0.21%
Last 7 Days 10,080 13 13 0 0.00 1,653,608.8749 5,503,210,336 6,918,124,299 125.71% 4,513.2802 0.13%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 54 54 0 0.00 1,416,381.5521 19,580,058,577 24,626,463,518 125.77% 18,810.1933 0.13%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 86 86 0 0.00 1,299,375.1278 28,607,042,813 33,932,225,002 118.61% 30,077.7010 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
14077521 Confirmed mikel8111 11/27/2021 03:38:05 2,600,139.1727 480.7220 665,635,628 473,277,241 802,815,618 120.61
14077301 Confirmed quymeecon 11/27/2021 02:43:26 2,954,948.1855 480.7220 756,466,735 409,147,369 372,868,139 49.29
14077184 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/27/2021 02:18:07 1,181,406.4880 480.7228 302,440,061 395,894,032 60,671,941 20.06
14077169 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/27/2021 02:13:47 1,298,330.2303 480.7220 332,372,539 429,369,233 256,377,658 77.14
14077104 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/27/2021 01:56:06 1,802,545.1344 480.7222 461,451,554 462,037,830 8,995,283 1.95
14077103 Confirmed ts251005 11/27/2021 01:56:00 1,425,773.0275 481.1236 364,997,895 491,146,805 501,817,665 137.49
14076969 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/27/2021 01:22:04 1,913,865.8017 480.7220 489,949,645 481,171,137 545,387,037 111.31
14076821 Confirmed anonymous 11/27/2021 00:44:59 3,285,496.9821 480.7220 841,087,227 461,695,416 615,406,953 73.17
14076654 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/27/2021 00:02:51 2,067,508.5617 480.7220 529,282,192 409,248,465 758,165,956 143.24
14076448 Confirmed congnghedavn 11/26/2021 23:11:27 1,262,281.1526 480.7220 323,143,975 340,974,583 810,287,650 250.75
14076215 Confirmed irina83 11/26/2021 22:16:01 1,652,550.6823 480.7224 423,052,975 317,027,520 161,558,159 38.19
14076175 Confirmed ts251005 11/26/2021 22:04:29 1,674,484.2893 480.7244 428,667,978 461,446,536 240,310,710 56.06
14076112 Confirmed mikel8111 11/26/2021 21:48:58 2,457,394.5697 480.7220 629,093,010 473,304,560 395,552,742 62.88
14076005 Confirmed 4709700 11/26/2021 21:21:40 1,724,081.1922 480.7223 441,364,785 525,357,398 582,943,645 132.08
14075830 Confirmed rengos 11/26/2021 20:41:58 2,903,201.9882 480.7234 743,219,709 571,233,059 300,057,070 40.37
14075737 Confirmed BK-G28 11/26/2021 20:21:14 2,096,812.0499 480.7220 536,783,885 601,303,330 402,096,639 74.91
14075643 Confirmed mikel8111 11/26/2021 19:53:54 1,736,613.0131 480.7243 444,572,931 583,932,329 350,620,993 78.87
14075543 Confirmed gobx 11/26/2021 19:30:06 845,173.6481 480.7220 216,364,454 594,112,447 90,908,905 42.02
14075504 Confirmed anonymous 11/26/2021 19:23:03 2,382,313.4887 480.7220 609,872,253 593,943,278 75,422,696 12.37
14075494 Confirmed CTNVK 11/26/2021 19:18:09 2,397,832.3463 480.7220 613,845,081 603,359,232 570,851,919 93.00
Totals 10,153,664,512 9,678,981,800 7,903,117,378 77.84