Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,518,012 196,574 194,563 2,011 1.02 516,605.5007 25,731,152,906,073 26,626,048,849,331 103.48% 157,557,301.5313 4.31%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 7 7 0 0.00 1,918,086.6287 3,437,211,239 3,303,299,684 96.10% 2,430.2270 0.07%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 51 51 0 0.00 1,681,993.6583 21,960,109,203 24,705,186,016 112.50% 17,705.9904 0.13%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 99 99 0 0.00 1,381,604.4187 35,015,382,386 38,487,321,058 109.92% 34,590.9962 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5388528 Confirmed TomBaik 10/17/2017 14:39:32 61,119.1211 842.5443 15,646,495 16,725,526 28,351,544 181.20
5388497 Confirmed tandhg 10/17/2017 14:31:53 88,768.8188 842.5446 22,724,818 14,868,162 2,086,528 9.18
5388495 Confirmed doncrypto 10/17/2017 14:31:10 81,545.1548 843.5453 20,875,560 16,211,722 24,449,334 117.12
5388473 Confirmed cantg 10/17/2017 14:25:20 102,496.2833 842.6033 26,239,049 16,168,029 23,217,147 88.48
5388455 Confirmed yasinkoc 10/17/2017 14:19:45 141,714.5088 842.5443 36,278,914 17,491,678 32,663,450 90.03
5388423 Confirmed Rtichfield 10/17/2017 14:11:24 132,385.6329 842.5459 33,890,722 20,472,133 7,175,884 21.17
5388416 Confirmed thongth 10/17/2017 14:09:36 113,336.8983 842.5745 29,014,246 19,857,197 1,311,397 4.52
5388412 Confirmed sapaichiban 10/17/2017 14:09:15 89,449.1671 842.5443 22,898,987 20,652,875 10,635,525 46.45
5388397 Confirmed percy_tc 10/17/2017 14:06:28 92,094.1281 842.5443 23,576,097 19,926,355 5,804,275 24.62
5388390 Confirmed gamaliaka 10/17/2017 14:04:56 100,670.4114 842.5443 25,771,625 22,116,202 31,572,811 122.51
5388361 Confirmed gamaliaka 10/17/2017 13:56:38 119,935.8213 842.5443 30,703,570 19,256,870 9,774,082 31.83
5388349 Confirmed birolturegun 10/17/2017 13:53:57 85,982.2979 842.5837 22,011,468 18,656,858 15,555,704 70.67
5388333 Confirmed anonymous 10/17/2017 13:49:25 96,007.6397 842.5997 24,577,956 20,891,325 24,016,990 97.72
5388304 Confirmed anonymous 10/17/2017 13:43:26 137,164.1055 842.7493 35,114,011 19,037,192 36,411,757 103.70
5388276 Confirmed nhantran 10/17/2017 13:34:07 98,421.1412 842.5443 25,195,812 19,247,002 62,485,485 248.00
5388204 Confirmed torre42 10/17/2017 13:17:31 115,696.9387 842.5455 29,618,416 14,408,355 1,007,897 3.40
5388203 Confirmed anonymous 10/17/2017 13:17:24 94,810.1934 842.5443 24,271,410 18,588,391 9,309,571 38.36
5388192 Confirmed torre42 10/17/2017 13:15:01 90,113.5469 842.6443 23,069,068 19,071,676 3,351,494 14.53
5388188 Confirmed anonymous 10/17/2017 13:13:42 62,303.6449 842.5443 15,949,733 18,785,916 27,688,944 173.60
5388157 Confirmed AlenVaz 10/17/2017 13:06:57 46,149.9802 842.6141 11,814,395 17,167,595 2,999,148 25.39
Totals 499,242,352 369,601,059 359,868,967 72.08