Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,523,610 196,578 194,567 2,011 1.02 516,648.2880 25,733,813,108,892 26,629,612,849,570 103.48% 157,558,678.6091 4.30%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 1 1 0 0.00 1,719,322.7300 440,146,619 223,441,689 50.77% 343.3008 0.07%
Last 7 Days 10,080 4 4 0 0.00 2,597,854.3157 2,660,202,819 3,564,000,239 133.97% 1,377.0779 0.04%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 43 43 0 0.00 1,850,105.6912 20,365,963,449 23,878,161,436 117.25% 14,916.9551 0.11%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 103 103 0 0.00 1,428,837.4244 37,675,585,206 42,051,321,297 111.61% 35,968.0740 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
6986648 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 22:46:38 1,006,860.6502 761.6037 257,756,326 208,281,222 232,858,605 90.34
6986620 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 22:39:07 1,103,769.7508 761.6026 282,565,056 199,094,125 28,848,437 10.21
6986618 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 22:38:10 1,012,647.1896 761.6953 259,237,681 218,609,990 291,533,184 112.46
6986581 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 22:27:43 821,088.4051 761.6000 210,198,632 190,554,044 286,433,528 136.27
6986527 Confirmed vchepil 07/19/2018 22:17:17 872,894.8413 761.6005 223,461,079 164,688,314 4,150,364 1.86
6986524 Confirmed paulos22 07/19/2018 22:17:07 880,211.3242 761.6002 225,334,099 179,329,811 181,357,343 80.48
6986504 Confirmed nuci 07/19/2018 22:10:52 1,275,866.8573 761.6127 326,621,915 195,364,023 319,405,498 97.79
6986476 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 22:00:48 1,043,614.5115 761.6023 267,165,315 174,055,297 278,364,500 104.19
6986427 Confirmed nuci 07/19/2018 21:51:40 959,860.1545 761.6012 245,724,200 155,717,634 411,541,552 167.48
6986384 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 21:38:50 884,079.9339 761.6000 226,324,463 115,438,512 50,067,818 22.12
6986373 Confirmed anonymous 07/19/2018 21:37:00 545,306.4496 761.6002 139,598,451 144,393,003 152,029,316 108.90
6986354 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 21:33:14 495,485.7859 761.6000 126,844,361 149,203,654 212,935,014 167.87
6986338 Confirmed vchepil 07/19/2018 21:28:34 690,330.8961 761.6003 176,724,709 137,316,415 11,814,632 6.69
6986337 Confirmed HighFly87 07/19/2018 21:28:19 605,833.3571 761.6000 155,093,339 159,832,533 25,225,649 16.26
6986334 Confirmed vchepil 07/19/2018 21:27:51 578,050.8164 761.6024 147,981,009 161,725,754 154,984,724 104.73
6986314 Confirmed vchepil 07/19/2018 21:23:15 788,037.8594 761.6000 201,737,692 170,062,336 340,656,968 168.86
6986283 Confirmed xxxcai 07/19/2018 21:13:54 859,170.9806 761.6000 219,947,771 156,174,985 103,618,521 47.11
6986272 Confirmed anonymous 07/19/2018 21:11:10 696,886.6865 761.6009 178,402,992 165,425,803 94,321,311 52.87
6986261 Confirmed vchepil 07/19/2018 21:08:30 868,850.6309 761.6000 222,425,762 199,882,547 8,933,178 4.02
6986259 Confirmed anonymous 07/19/2018 21:08:19 771,375.0469 761.6053 197,472,012 213,955,827 339,488,630 171.92
Totals 4,290,616,864 3,459,105,829 3,528,568,772 82.24