Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,520,062 196,575 194,564 2,011 1.02 516,626.9828 25,732,355,145,426 26,628,672,596,143 103.48% 157,557,648.7068 4.30%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 5 5 0 0.00 2,257,138.5164 2,889,137,301 4,439,877,641 153.67% 1,735.8765 0.05%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 49 49 0 0.00 1,776,766.3224 22,287,756,748 25,802,414,241 115.77% 17,011.6325 0.12%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 100 100 0 0.00 1,414,750.8492 36,217,621,739 41,111,067,870 113.51% 34,938.1717 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
9616396 Confirmed irina83 10/17/2019 09:20:44 1,599,840.0161 643.6022 409,559,044 720,072,601 1,741,040,465 425.10
9616160 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 08:17:39 2,568,439.1212 643.6019 657,520,415 698,828,991 385,582,614 58.64
9616071 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 07:59:07 1,578,330.2645 643.6050 404,052,548 740,640,510 1,440,099,941 356.41
9615827 Confirmed nemorussd9 10/17/2019 06:56:57 1,882,348.5564 643.6019 481,881,230 659,302,167 377,163,626 78.27
9615714 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 06:30:37 1,841,724.5969 643.6042 471,481,497 680,988,838 549,231,309 116.49
9615587 Confirmed jcgp02 10/17/2019 06:00:01 2,919,545.1133 643.6019 747,403,549 711,216,256 516,057,652 69.05
9615541 Confirmed mikel81 10/17/2019 05:41:47 1,552,583.8400 643.6019 397,461,463 673,290,027 676,834,167 170.29
9615343 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 05:00:16 1,271,531.8365 643.6039 325,512,150 622,751,795 672,918,512 206.73
9615224 Confirmed And29 10/17/2019 04:29:42 3,002,394.4189 643.6020 768,612,971 615,832,247 65,540,302 8.53
9615210 Confirmed jjtt 10/17/2019 04:26:09 2,733,192.0964 643.6019 699,697,177 624,199,496 776,335,317 110.95
9615097 Confirmed mch01 10/17/2019 03:53:20 2,499,516.5773 643.7988 639,876,244 582,641,124 1,528,904,776 238.94
9614740 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 02:29:17 2,355,866.8764 643.6024 603,101,920 470,015,248 803,456,153 133.22
9614596 Confirmed dgdg 10/17/2019 01:52:34 2,247,104.7071 643.6023 575,258,805 718,190,473 627,003,082 108.99
9614504 Confirmed etheronicSobrance 10/17/2019 01:26:27 1,237,001.1336 643.6019 316,672,290 801,156,702 593,835,195 187.52
9614389 Confirmed And29 10/17/2019 00:57:11 1,554,469.3863 643.6019 397,944,163 788,064,656 851,388,597 213.95
9614228 Confirmed 89sundown 10/17/2019 00:21:13 1,551,974.5960 643.6019 397,305,497 753,783,623 136,706,740 34.41
9614204 Confirmed jjtt 10/17/2019 00:14:06 1,401,137.2911 643.6019 358,691,147 771,932,934 171,455,218 47.80
9614165 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 00:03:03 1,341,500.1331 643.6019 343,424,034 886,954,993 604,003,295 175.88
9614047 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/16/2019 23:34:39 1,194,851.1407 643.6019 305,881,892 838,830,776 149,178,996 48.77
9614014 Confirmed Analex310 10/16/2019 23:28:07 3,022,749.3555 643.6019 773,823,835 881,515,196 360,484,743 46.58
Totals 10,075,161,871 14,240,208,653 13,027,220,700 129.30