Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,861 PPLNS Shares 2,415,707,778
Height 11,106,319 Estimated Shares 1,855,834,334
Amount 581.77033953 Target Variance 76.82 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,417,796,233
Difficulty 7249352.8665243 Average Efficiency 76.76 %
Time 2020-07-01 01:49:33 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,476,534,052 Seconds This Round 4,148
Finder DGB-Qubit Round Variance 61.12 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
DGB-Qubit 1,103,119,100 74.71 1,889,078,703 78.20 104.67 454.94325273
mikel81 190,427,764 12.90 255,332,917 10.57 81.96 61.49134391
anonymous 65,404,698 4.43 86,629,827 3.59 80.96 20.86289768
Analex310 59,611,762 4.04 80,760,663 3.34 82.81 19.44943789
anonymous 0 0.00 26,866,379 1.11 100.00 6.47017948
irina83 11,914,672 0.81 15,769,041 0.65 80.90 3.79762853
nvkz 9,979,721 0.68 13,415,441 0.56 82.16 3.23081533
minhkhoi3108 7,651,657 0.52 10,107,645 0.42 80.74 2.43420506
Roman599 5,230,461 0.35 6,985,248 0.29 81.63 1.68224415
CTNVK 5,281,534 0.36 6,964,292 0.29 80.60 1.67719735
eaglerx0 5,086,271 0.34 6,763,905 0.28 81.28 1.62893845
gobx 2,706,022 0.18 3,643,852 0.15 82.31 0.87754203
Drejali 2,654,439 0.18 3,605,280 0.15 83.02 0.86825290
anonymous 2,646,354 0.18 3,404,082 0.14 78.62 0.81979871
lepomis 2,557,805 0.17 3,349,993 0.14 80.05 0.80677269
suberdigi 1,014,580 0.07 1,370,804 0.06 82.58 0.33012820
winardys 480,217 0.03 618,932 0.03 78.78 0.14905625
anonymous 452,125 0.03 609,139 0.03 82.35 0.14669781
ujank 135,497 0.01 188,779 0.01 85.16 0.04546349
anonymous 102,821 0.01 140,589 0.01 83.57 0.03385799
furio74 37,301 0.00 49,784 0.00 81.58 0.01198947
MishGun 33,583 0.00 44,835 0.00 81.60 0.01079760
anonymous 5,658 0.00 7,648 0.00 82.62 0.00184188
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 1,103,119,100 39,341,397 3.57
2 mikel81 190,427,764 827,000 0.43
3 anonymous 65,404,698 1,045,788 1.60
4 Analex310 59,611,762 235,287 0.39
5 irina83 11,914,672 29,966 0.25
6 nvkz 9,979,721 183,820 1.84
7 minhkhoi3108 7,651,657 126,539 1.65
8 CTNVK 5,281,534 47,795 0.90
9 Roman599 5,230,461 44,156 0.84
10 eaglerx0 5,086,271 77,533 1.52
11 gobx 2,706,022 19,511 0.72
12 Drejali 2,654,439 30,240 1.14
13 anonymous 2,646,354 11,105 0.42
14 lepomis 2,557,805 5,330 0.21
15 suberdigi 1,014,580 6,402 0.63
16 winardys 480,217 11,105 2.31
17 anonymous 452,125 7,388 1.63
18 ujank 135,497 2,255 1.66
19 anonymous 102,821 1,208 1.17
20 furio74 37,301 336 0.90
21 MishGun 33,583 184 0.55
22 anonymous 5,658 237 4.19
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 1,889,078,703 53,602,226 2.84
2 mikel81 255,332,917 1,235,766 0.48
3 anonymous 86,629,827 1,924,719 2.22
4 Analex310 80,760,663 341,254 0.42
5 anonymous 26,866,379 1,059,414 3.94
6 irina83 15,769,041 29,966 0.19
7 nvkz 13,415,441 227,883 1.70
8 minhkhoi3108 10,107,645 177,461 1.76
9 Roman599 6,985,248 72,999 1.05
10 CTNVK 6,964,292 86,230 1.24
11 eaglerx0 6,763,905 114,864 1.70
12 gobx 3,643,852 19,511 0.54
13 Drejali 3,605,280 50,537 1.40
14 anonymous 3,404,082 26,743 0.79
15 lepomis 3,349,993 5,330 0.16
16 suberdigi 1,370,804 9,623 0.70
17 winardys 618,932 14,661 2.37
18 anonymous 609,139 10,362 1.70
19 ujank 188,779 2,923 1.55
20 anonymous 140,589 1,742 1.24
21 furio74 49,784 375 0.75
22 MishGun 44,835 235 0.52
23 anonymous 7,648 297 3.88