Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,918 PPLNS Shares 1,600,195,024
Height 11,196,408 Estimated Shares 2,477,778,497
Amount 581.78459695 Target Variance 154.84 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,600,200,433
Difficulty 9678822.2553214 Average Efficiency 154.84 %
Time 2020-07-16 16:22:45 Target Rounds 10
Shares 4,294,967,295 Seconds This Round 50,945
Finder Analex310 Round Variance 268.40 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 2,147,483,647 50.00 1,014,833,150 63.42 126.84 368.96395969
Analex310 991,675,403 23.09 349,882,228 21.86 94.70 127.20705103
irina83 149,455,294 3.48 54,373,688 3.40 97.65 19.76869933
nvkz 125,448,586 2.92 46,004,458 2.87 98.43 16.72588967
minhkhoi3108 93,250,983 2.17 34,249,974 2.14 98.58 12.45229923
CTNVK 63,940,260 1.49 23,262,315 1.45 97.65 8.45750444
kriptomajori 31,228,158 0.73 11,473,643 0.72 98.61 4.17148469
lepomis 31,410,614 0.73 11,320,503 0.71 96.73 4.11580744
anonymous 31,906,278 0.74 11,268,486 0.70 94.79 4.09689537
gobx 31,493,629 0.73 11,245,876 0.70 95.84 4.08867522
anonymous 31,600,337 0.74 11,233,866 0.70 95.42 4.08430875
Drejali 30,444,198 0.71 10,346,410 0.65 91.22 3.76165532
Roman599 4,621,135 0.11 4,621,135 0.29 268.40 1.68011119
suberdigi 12,040,968 0.28 4,370,116 0.27 97.41 1.58884797
ujank 1,788,294 0.04 669,409 0.04 100.47 0.24337778
anonymous 1,818,771 0.04 654,794 0.04 96.63 0.23806440
MishGun 455,233 0.01 169,589 0.01 99.99 0.06165765
furio74 451,460 0.01 159,724 0.01 94.96 0.05807135
anonymous 76,617 0.00 27,870 0.00 97.63 0.01013277
anonymous 26,766 0.00 26,766 0.00 268.40 0.00973145
lowrystcol 1,024 0.00 1,024 0.00 268.40 0.00037228
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 2,147,483,647 12,976,759 0.60
2 Analex310 991,675,403 3,872,063 0.39
3 irina83 149,455,294 684,015 0.46
4 nvkz 125,448,586 1,221,797 0.97
5 minhkhoi3108 93,250,983 2,466,914 2.65
6 CTNVK 63,940,260 1,075,866 1.68
7 anonymous 31,906,278 150,162 0.47
8 anonymous 31,600,337 397,470 1.26
9 gobx 31,493,629 249,747 0.79
10 lepomis 31,410,614 156,037 0.50
11 kriptomajori 31,228,158 177,790 0.57
12 Drejali 30,444,198 1,165,055 3.83
13 suberdigi 12,040,968 122,384 1.02
14 Roman599 4,621,135 48,940 1.06
15 anonymous 1,818,771 27,444 1.51
16 ujank 1,788,294 28,814 1.61
17 MishGun 455,233 3,833 0.84
18 furio74 451,460 2,445 0.54
19 anonymous 76,617 1,716 2.24
20 anonymous 26,766 0 0.00
21 lowrystcol 1,024 0 0.00
22 jharvey1012 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,014,833,150 4,723,569 0.47
2 Analex310 349,882,228 1,522,618 0.44
3 irina83 54,373,688 121,400 0.22
4 nvkz 46,004,458 503,110 1.09
5 minhkhoi3108 34,249,974 1,056,920 3.09
6 CTNVK 23,262,315 514,412 2.21
7 kriptomajori 11,473,643 61,875 0.54
8 lepomis 11,320,503 25,920 0.23
9 anonymous 11,268,486 87,886 0.78
10 gobx 11,245,876 124,799 1.11
11 anonymous 11,233,866 239,929 2.14
12 Drejali 10,346,410 809,143 7.82
13 Roman599 4,621,135 48,940 1.06
14 suberdigi 4,370,116 45,221 1.03
15 ujank 669,409 13,735 2.05
16 anonymous 654,794 10,812 1.65
17 MishGun 169,589 1,576 0.93
18 furio74 159,724 964 0.60
19 anonymous 27,870 509 1.83
20 anonymous 26,766 0 0.00
21 lowrystcol 1,024 0 0.00