Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,471,817 PPLNS Shares 1,123,501,590
Height 12,268,442 Estimated Shares 821,888,999
Amount 543.88607291 Target Variance 73.15 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,123,508,875
Difficulty 3210503.9027296 Average Efficiency 73.15 %
Time 2021-01-18 07:35:02 Target Rounds 10
Shares 651,967,794 Seconds This Round 8,118
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 58.03 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 422,111,899 64.74 739,034,385 65.78 101.60 357.76585234
pantomas 34,166,428 5.24 58,615,989 5.22 99.56 28.37594531
irina83 20,737,537 3.18 37,810,542 3.37 105.81 18.30404790
wmao 20,813,511 3.19 34,686,219 3.09 96.71 16.79156633
BK-G28 19,437,188 2.98 32,594,663 2.90 97.31 15.77904588
minhkhoi3108 14,924,417 2.29 25,673,074 2.29 99.82 12.42831106
kwp39jf 14,523,713 2.23 24,955,188 2.22 99.71 12.08078353
CoollDGB 12,292,515 1.89 20,297,856 1.81 95.82 9.82617348
sukitars 11,683,550 1.79 20,012,819 1.78 99.40 9.68818719
anonymous 11,278,270 1.73 19,575,947 1.74 100.72 9.47669769
CTNVK 9,954,033 1.53 16,757,123 1.49 97.69 8.11210799
Wizardvv 15,952,653 2.45 15,952,653 1.42 58.03 7.72266462
lepomis 5,422,359 0.83 9,146,851 0.81 97.89 4.42798222
Drejali 5,035,638 0.77 8,603,233 0.77 99.14 4.16481728
ITWolf 4,927,128 0.76 8,549,027 0.76 100.69 4.13857609
romanticboy34 5,103,679 0.78 8,543,958 0.76 97.15 4.13612245
vvm1973 5,217,250 0.80 8,463,148 0.75 94.13 4.09700231
kriptomajori 4,835,165 0.74 8,271,183 0.74 99.27 4.00407219
anonymous 3,354,519 0.51 5,796,430 0.52 100.27 2.80604667
Stonecutter 2,929,443 0.45 5,191,902 0.46 102.85 2.51339528
caspian999 582,896 0.09 4,389,007 0.39 436.95 2.12471417
suberdigi 1,847,759 0.28 3,289,134 0.29 103.30 1.59226683
winardys 969,337 0.15 1,674,321 0.15 100.23 0.81053742
rockvn 1,023,911 0.16 1,666,188 0.15 94.43 0.80660034
gobx 1,470,740 0.23 1,470,740 0.13 58.03 0.71198413
VinZz 498,827 0.08 1,016,420 0.09 118.24 0.49204835
ujank 290,594 0.04 496,654 0.04 99.18 0.24042995
anonymous 281,895 0.04 485,780 0.04 100.00 0.23516584
Jobber4488 146,984 0.02 247,869 0.02 97.86 0.11999340
Coryvmcs1 77,271 0.01 130,085 0.01 97.69 0.06297418
zhaowenpan 74,139 0.01 100,669 0.01 78.80 0.04873426
mararab14 2,277 0.00 2,277 0.00 58.03 0.00110229
m3ist3r_m4rc3l 256 0.00 256 0.00 58.03 0.00012395
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 422,111,899 2,360,496 0.56
2 pantomas 34,166,428 418,362 1.22
3 wmao 20,813,511 232,316 1.12
4 irina83 20,737,537 201,242 0.97
5 BK-G28 19,437,188 1,020,318 5.25
6 Wizardvv 15,952,653 245,081 1.54
7 minhkhoi3108 14,924,417 343,248 2.30
8 kwp39jf 14,523,713 170,200 1.17
9 CoollDGB 12,292,515 1,646,696 13.40
10 sukitars 11,683,550 76,800 0.66
11 anonymous 11,278,270 49,336 0.44
12 CTNVK 9,954,033 138,651 1.39
13 lepomis 5,422,359 11,783 0.22
14 vvm1973 5,217,250 46,571 0.89
15 romanticboy34 5,103,679 73,259 1.44
16 Drejali 5,035,638 76,037 1.51
17 ITWolf 4,927,128 45,071 0.91
18 kriptomajori 4,835,165 46,995 0.97
19 anonymous 3,354,519 7,852 0.23
20 Stonecutter 2,929,443 41,658 1.42
21 suberdigi 1,847,759 9,234 0.50
22 gobx 1,470,740 13,573 0.92
23 rockvn 1,023,911 13,399 1.31
24 winardys 969,337 34,571 3.57
25 caspian999 582,896 4,551 0.78
26 VinZz 498,827 20,479 4.11
27 ujank 290,594 5,715 1.97
28 anonymous 281,895 4,495 1.59
29 Jobber4488 146,984 2,319 1.58
30 Coryvmcs1 77,271 778 1.01
31 zhaowenpan 74,139 4,455 6.01
32 mararab14 2,277 30 1.32
33 m3ist3r_m4rc3l 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 739,034,385 3,882,886 0.53
2 pantomas 58,615,989 743,844 1.27
3 irina83 37,810,542 276,738 0.73
4 wmao 34,686,219 342,181 0.99
5 BK-G28 32,594,663 1,617,574 4.96
6 minhkhoi3108 25,673,074 511,513 1.99
7 kwp39jf 24,955,188 229,359 0.92
8 CoollDGB 20,297,856 2,570,041 12.66
9 sukitars 20,012,819 173,521 0.87
10 anonymous 19,575,947 107,886 0.55
11 CTNVK 16,757,123 217,980 1.30
12 Wizardvv 15,952,653 245,081 1.54
13 lepomis 9,146,851 11,783 0.13
14 Drejali 8,603,233 109,524 1.27
15 ITWolf 8,549,027 97,672 1.14
16 romanticboy34 8,543,958 105,590 1.24
17 vvm1973 8,463,148 91,629 1.08
18 kriptomajori 8,271,183 75,054 0.91
19 anonymous 5,796,430 10,854 0.19
20 Stonecutter 5,191,902 70,573 1.36
21 caspian999 4,389,007 33,863 0.77
22 suberdigi 3,289,134 16,685 0.51
23 winardys 1,674,321 49,230 2.94
24 rockvn 1,666,188 32,060 1.92
25 gobx 1,470,740 13,573 0.92
26 VinZz 1,016,420 22,582 2.22
27 ujank 496,654 9,177 1.85
28 anonymous 485,780 7,624 1.57
29 Jobber4488 247,869 3,322 1.34
30 Coryvmcs1 130,085 1,324 1.02
31 zhaowenpan 100,669 4,655 4.62
32 mararab14 2,277 30 1.32
33 m3ist3r_m4rc3l 256 0 0.00