Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,472,374 PPLNS Shares 1,533,152,479
Height 12,728,333 Estimated Shares 1,498,395,946
Amount 525.87897671 Target Variance 97.73 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,533,158,602
Difficulty 5853109.1657084 Average Efficiency 97.73 %
Time 2021-04-07 19:13:13 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,132,654,265 Seconds This Round 9,921
Finder mikel8111 Round Variance 73.88 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel8111 518,567,106 45.78 698,020,057 45.53 99.44 239.42437064
VikingDK 72,825,342 6.43 98,070,688 6.40 99.49 33.63873664
pantomas 59,189,255 5.23 79,877,790 5.21 99.70 27.39848169
BK-G28 42,182,305 3.72 57,683,644 3.76 101.03 19.78577869
babich 37,265,024 3.29 50,125,738 3.27 99.37 17.19337913
mikel81 33,600,579 2.97 46,647,870 3.04 102.56 16.00045280
quymeecon 29,902,093 2.64 40,743,157 2.66 100.66 13.97510675
anonymous 27,868,724 2.46 37,906,474 2.47 100.49 13.00211033
irina83 27,497,405 2.43 37,067,810 2.42 99.59 12.71444443
minhkhoi3108 18,506,809 1.63 24,768,867 1.62 98.88 8.49584549
leeloke 18,004,810 1.59 24,666,805 1.61 101.21 8.46083772
sukitars 14,839,715 1.31 20,320,249 1.33 101.16 6.96994705
DGB888 14,754,218 1.30 20,042,431 1.31 100.36 6.87465426
CoollDGB 14,287,847 1.26 19,593,898 1.28 101.31 6.72080505
anonymous 14,282,877 1.26 19,579,351 1.28 101.27 6.71581557
Wizardvv 14,543,803 1.28 19,157,192 1.25 97.31 6.57101284
Dron1 12,581,889 1.11 17,018,491 1.11 99.93 5.83742776
cafer 12,503,162 1.10 16,815,171 1.10 99.36 5.76768795
wmao 12,514,146 1.10 16,705,496 1.09 98.62 5.73006894
anonymous 12,316,968 1.09 16,303,741 1.06 97.79 5.59226482
eaglerx0 12,254,945 1.08 16,259,573 1.06 98.02 5.57711509
forkhead 11,609,028 1.02 15,969,309 1.04 101.63 5.47755316
CTNVK 10,757,911 0.95 15,050,201 0.98 103.35 5.16229434
vvm1973 6,474,643 0.57 8,589,222 0.56 98.01 2.94614625
lepomis 6,422,322 0.57 8,586,177 0.56 98.77 2.94510175
google06ank 6,423,546 0.57 8,525,742 0.56 98.05 2.92437250
kowi1 6,505,767 0.57 8,487,529 0.55 96.38 2.91126517
Drejali 6,333,526 0.56 8,449,627 0.55 98.56 2.89826466
Eddy 6,170,646 0.54 8,320,654 0.54 99.62 2.85402609
BadBlade 5,939,321 0.52 8,015,138 0.52 99.70 2.74923271
THX1138 6,045,696 0.53 7,962,624 0.52 97.30 2.73121983
koldun_111 5,837,258 0.52 7,891,268 0.51 99.87 2.70674469
anonymous 5,835,259 0.52 7,841,161 0.51 99.27 2.68955765
zaferbektass 5,695,844 0.50 7,798,331 0.51 101.15 2.67486680
khacsao 5,699,547 0.50 7,777,701 0.51 100.81 2.66779067
manoj123 956,725 0.08 7,092,862 0.46 547.70 2.43288748
Stonecutter 3,679,068 0.32 4,992,958 0.33 100.26 1.71260966
suberdigi 2,370,496 0.21 3,180,478 0.21 99.12 1.09091995
gobx 2,805,255 0.25 2,805,255 0.18 73.88 0.96221665
mamustsm 2,095,237 0.18 2,095,237 0.14 73.88 0.71867694
rockvn 1,185,260 0.10 1,582,720 0.10 98.65 0.54288091
winardys 1,133,940 0.10 1,571,275 0.10 102.37 0.53895522
briano 1,045,966 0.09 1,393,934 0.09 98.45 0.47812638
anonymous 527,727 0.05 702,159 0.05 98.30 0.24084416
anonymous 359,312 0.03 483,171 0.03 99.34 0.16573034
ujank 348,578 0.03 471,531 0.03 99.94 0.16173766
Stefan-Neumann-1985 92,424 0.01 121,979 0.01 97.50 0.04183946
anonymous 14,662 0.00 19,487 0.00 98.19 0.00668418
donis0007 256 0.00 256 0.00 73.88 0.00008782
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 518,567,106 2,474,689 0.48
2 VikingDK 72,825,342 246,445 0.34
3 pantomas 59,189,255 1,125,269 1.90
4 BK-G28 42,182,305 2,717,965 6.44
5 babich 37,265,024 430,369 1.15
6 mikel81 33,600,579 125,920 0.37
7 quymeecon 29,902,093 687,021 2.30
8 anonymous 27,868,724 227,076 0.81
9 irina83 27,497,405 76,147 0.28
10 minhkhoi3108 18,506,809 372,723 2.01
11 leeloke 18,004,810 798,379 4.43
12 sukitars 14,839,715 247,266 1.67
13 DGB888 14,754,218 1,578,383 10.70
14 Wizardvv 14,543,803 144,462 0.99
15 CoollDGB 14,287,847 1,982,049 13.87
16 anonymous 14,282,877 51,275 0.36
17 Dron1 12,581,889 77,377 0.61
18 wmao 12,514,146 109,072 0.87
19 cafer 12,503,162 141,958 1.14
20 anonymous 12,316,968 170,761 1.39
21 eaglerx0 12,254,945 280,015 2.28
22 forkhead 11,609,028 223,713 1.93
23 CTNVK 10,757,911 225,638 2.10
24 kowi1 6,505,767 76,549 1.18
25 vvm1973 6,474,643 96,833 1.50
26 google06ank 6,423,546 57,048 0.89
27 lepomis 6,422,322 17,289 0.27
28 Drejali 6,333,526 111,665 1.76
29 Eddy 6,170,646 63,858 1.03
30 THX1138 6,045,696 16,384 0.27
31 BadBlade 5,939,321 172,268 2.90
32 koldun_111 5,837,258 117,988 2.02
33 anonymous 5,835,259 199,925 3.43
34 khacsao 5,699,547 137,223 2.41
35 zaferbektass 5,695,844 31,097 0.55
36 Stonecutter 3,679,068 71,290 1.94
37 gobx 2,805,255 17,695 0.63
38 suberdigi 2,370,496 13,135 0.55
39 mamustsm 2,095,237 32,768 1.56
40 rockvn 1,185,260 25,149 2.12
41 winardys 1,133,940 24,516 2.16
42 briano 1,045,966 12,919 1.24
43 manoj123 956,725 0 0.00
44 anonymous 527,727 2,270 0.43
45 anonymous 359,312 5,410 1.51
46 ujank 348,578 6,012 1.72
47 Stefan-Neumann-1985 92,424 504 0.55
48 anonymous 14,662 397 2.71
49 donis0007 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 698,020,057 3,338,760 0.48
2 VikingDK 98,070,688 279,213 0.28
3 pantomas 79,877,790 1,459,351 1.83
4 BK-G28 57,683,644 3,623,564 6.28
5 babich 50,125,738 589,984 1.18
6 mikel81 46,647,870 184,463 0.40
7 quymeecon 40,743,157 949,638 2.33
8 anonymous 37,906,474 317,696 0.84
9 irina83 37,067,810 103,333 0.28
10 minhkhoi3108 24,768,867 465,206 1.88
11 leeloke 24,666,805 1,338,270 5.43
12 sukitars 20,320,249 374,272 1.84
13 DGB888 20,042,431 2,123,346 10.59
14 CoollDGB 19,593,898 2,707,382 13.82
15 anonymous 19,579,351 51,275 0.26
16 Wizardvv 19,157,192 229,645 1.20
17 Dron1 17,018,491 103,138 0.61
18 cafer 16,815,171 190,538 1.13
19 wmao 16,705,496 140,558 0.84
20 anonymous 16,303,741 229,896 1.41
21 eaglerx0 16,259,573 394,082 2.42
22 forkhead 15,969,309 283,112 1.77
23 CTNVK 15,050,201 319,810 2.12
24 vvm1973 8,589,222 143,003 1.66
25 lepomis 8,586,177 31,444 0.37
26 google06ank 8,525,742 87,621 1.03
27 kowi1 8,487,529 104,757 1.23
28 Drejali 8,449,627 141,371 1.67
29 Eddy 8,320,654 81,276 0.98
30 BadBlade 8,015,138 195,257 2.44
31 THX1138 7,962,624 16,384 0.21
32 koldun_111 7,891,268 160,722 2.04
33 anonymous 7,841,161 254,014 3.24
34 zaferbektass 7,798,331 39,746 0.51
35 khacsao 7,777,701 144,915 1.86
36 manoj123 7,092,862 95,711 1.35
37 Stonecutter 4,992,958 81,145 1.63
38 suberdigi 3,180,478 24,642 0.77
39 gobx 2,805,255 17,695 0.63
40 mamustsm 2,095,237 32,768 1.56
41 rockvn 1,582,720 36,270 2.29
42 winardys 1,571,275 32,744 2.08
43 briano 1,393,934 17,870 1.28
44 anonymous 702,159 3,203 0.46
45 anonymous 483,171 7,851 1.62
46 ujank 471,531 7,881 1.67
47 Stefan-Neumann-1985 121,979 723 0.59
48 anonymous 19,487 512 2.63
49 donis0007 256 0 0.00