Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,472,377 PPLNS Shares 1,292,981,145
Height 12,729,689 Estimated Shares 1,943,898,573
Amount 525.87921971 Target Variance 150.34 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,292,993,040
Difficulty 7593353.802634 Average Efficiency 150.34 %
Time 2021-04-08 00:48:41 Target Rounds 10
Shares 946,090,413 Seconds This Round 8,173
Finder mikel8111 Round Variance 73.17 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel8111 421,347,904 44.54 577,154,361 44.64 100.23 234.73929273
VikingDK 60,360,309 6.38 82,325,012 6.37 99.80 33.48309635
pantomas 43,239,388 4.57 57,972,350 4.48 98.10 23.57842109
BK-G28 35,483,497 3.75 47,863,384 3.70 98.70 19.46691870
babich 30,901,664 3.27 42,276,470 3.27 100.11 17.19461816
mikel81 24,965,782 2.64 34,461,958 2.67 101.00 14.01631243
quymeecon 24,860,846 2.63 33,816,779 2.62 99.53 13.75390596
irina83 24,359,795 2.57 32,430,525 2.51 97.41 13.19009102
anonymous 23,590,859 2.49 32,024,690 2.48 99.33 13.02503047
minhkhoi3108 15,248,735 1.61 20,729,579 1.60 99.47 8.43110106
leeloke 14,588,653 1.54 19,482,732 1.51 97.72 7.92398574
mamustsm 13,023,045 1.38 17,442,144 1.35 98.00 7.09404105
Wizardvv 12,315,563 1.30 16,597,141 1.28 98.61 6.75036273
CoollDGB 11,487,255 1.21 16,306,001 1.26 103.87 6.63195071
sukitars 11,769,597 1.24 15,930,322 1.23 99.04 6.47915493
DGB888 11,521,435 1.22 15,822,648 1.22 100.49 6.43536228
manoj123 10,707,708 1.13 15,709,791 1.22 107.35 6.38946113
anonymous 11,620,877 1.23 15,667,289 1.21 98.65 6.37217469
wmao 10,298,051 1.09 14,129,453 1.09 100.39 5.74670841
forkhead 10,387,073 1.10 14,074,323 1.09 99.15 5.72428607
Dron1 10,360,485 1.10 14,017,415 1.08 99.00 5.70114087
anonymous 10,257,139 1.08 13,923,654 1.08 99.33 5.66300652
cafer 10,385,938 1.10 13,809,016 1.07 97.29 5.61638092
CTNVK 10,030,921 1.06 13,715,861 1.06 100.05 5.57849321
eaglerx0 9,615,296 1.02 13,372,013 1.03 101.76 5.43864394
vvm1973 5,242,473 0.55 7,147,023 0.55 99.75 2.90682578
google06ank 5,205,941 0.55 7,134,817 0.55 100.28 2.90186148
lepomis 5,158,766 0.55 7,005,501 0.54 99.37 2.84926641
anonymous 5,026,728 0.53 6,906,978 0.53 100.54 2.80919526
gobx 4,962,399 0.52 6,870,427 0.53 101.31 2.79432923
Eddy 4,896,907 0.52 6,856,862 0.53 102.46 2.78881218
kowi1 5,159,882 0.55 6,813,287 0.53 96.62 2.77108931
Drejali 5,015,673 0.53 6,781,341 0.52 98.93 2.75809626
zaferbektass 4,891,773 0.52 6,698,999 0.52 100.20 2.72460611
BadBlade 4,681,667 0.49 6,655,175 0.51 104.02 2.70678217
anonymous 4,813,449 0.51 6,645,419 0.51 101.02 2.70281431
khacsao 4,819,826 0.51 6,548,042 0.51 99.41 2.66320945
THX1138 4,308,992 0.46 6,012,928 0.47 102.11 2.44556839
Stonecutter 2,961,266 0.31 4,009,846 0.31 99.08 1.63087841
suberdigi 1,924,137 0.20 2,619,616 0.20 99.62 1.06544634
koldun_111 430,026 0.05 2,012,936 0.16 342.51 0.81869829
rockvn 953,615 0.10 1,287,871 0.10 98.82 0.52380116
winardys 946,067 0.10 1,257,995 0.10 97.30 0.51165008
briano 849,958 0.09 1,150,821 0.09 99.07 0.46806022
anonymous 441,070 0.05 595,326 0.05 98.76 0.24213036
anonymous 295,877 0.03 403,328 0.03 99.74 0.16404098
ujank 294,019 0.03 400,809 0.03 99.75 0.16301662
Stefan-Neumann-1985 70,399 0.01 95,327 0.01 99.08 0.03877129
anonymous 11,662 0.00 15,560 0.00 97.63 0.00632859
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 421,347,904 1,888,888 0.45
2 VikingDK 60,360,309 163,840 0.27
3 pantomas 43,239,388 1,000,688 2.31
4 BK-G28 35,483,497 1,903,218 5.36
5 babich 30,901,664 318,882 1.03
6 mikel81 24,965,782 172,384 0.69
7 quymeecon 24,860,846 488,505 1.96
8 irina83 24,359,795 65,080 0.27
9 anonymous 23,590,859 145,573 0.62
10 minhkhoi3108 15,248,735 237,160 1.56
11 leeloke 14,588,653 846,795 5.80
12 mamustsm 13,023,045 98,304 0.75
13 Wizardvv 12,315,563 173,409 1.41
14 sukitars 11,769,597 151,192 1.28
15 anonymous 11,620,877 57,882 0.50
16 DGB888 11,521,435 1,218,489 10.58
17 CoollDGB 11,487,255 1,328,387 11.56
18 manoj123 10,707,708 193,931 1.81
19 forkhead 10,387,073 109,178 1.05
20 cafer 10,385,938 136,381 1.31
21 Dron1 10,360,485 96,318 0.93
22 wmao 10,298,051 83,071 0.81
23 anonymous 10,257,139 191,928 1.87
24 CTNVK 10,030,921 174,151 1.74
25 eaglerx0 9,615,296 203,851 2.12
26 vvm1973 5,242,473 70,847 1.35
27 google06ank 5,205,941 59,080 1.13
28 kowi1 5,159,882 34,914 0.68
29 lepomis 5,158,766 9,415 0.18
30 anonymous 5,026,728 122,617 2.44
31 Drejali 5,015,673 93,567 1.87
32 gobx 4,962,399 15,524 0.31
33 Eddy 4,896,907 45,329 0.93
34 zaferbektass 4,891,773 13,785 0.28
35 khacsao 4,819,826 58,031 1.20
36 anonymous 4,813,449 11,675 0.24
37 BadBlade 4,681,667 278,997 5.96
38 THX1138 4,308,992 65,536 1.52
39 Stonecutter 2,961,266 36,807 1.24
40 suberdigi 1,924,137 14,440 0.75
41 rockvn 953,615 30,334 3.18
42 winardys 946,067 19,810 2.09
43 briano 849,958 15,379 1.81
44 anonymous 441,070 2,807 0.64
45 koldun_111 430,026 18,971 4.41
46 anonymous 295,877 4,249 1.44
47 ujank 294,019 5,879 2.00
48 Stefan-Neumann-1985 70,399 172 0.24
49 anonymous 11,662 340 2.92
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 577,154,361 2,751,561 0.48
2 VikingDK 82,325,012 212,992 0.26
3 pantomas 57,972,350 1,292,200 2.23
4 BK-G28 47,863,384 2,737,199 5.72
5 babich 42,276,470 441,406 1.04
6 mikel81 34,461,958 224,052 0.65
7 quymeecon 33,816,779 684,354 2.02
8 irina83 32,430,525 74,237 0.23
9 anonymous 32,024,690 205,577 0.64
10 minhkhoi3108 20,729,579 273,091 1.32
11 leeloke 19,482,732 1,675,235 8.60
12 mamustsm 17,442,144 163,840 0.94
13 Wizardvv 16,597,141 239,539 1.44
14 CoollDGB 16,306,001 1,907,611 11.70
15 sukitars 15,930,322 207,183 1.30
16 DGB888 15,822,648 1,728,180 10.92
17 manoj123 15,709,791 193,931 1.23
18 anonymous 15,667,289 91,648 0.58
19 wmao 14,129,453 107,253 0.76
20 forkhead 14,074,323 134,397 0.95
21 Dron1 14,017,415 123,666 0.88
22 anonymous 13,923,654 239,035 1.72
23 cafer 13,809,016 216,658 1.57
24 CTNVK 13,715,861 208,166 1.52
25 eaglerx0 13,372,013 294,737 2.20
26 vvm1973 7,147,023 116,114 1.62
27 google06ank 7,134,817 79,438 1.11
28 lepomis 7,005,501 15,634 0.22
29 anonymous 6,906,978 159,900 2.32
30 gobx 6,870,427 35,592 0.52
31 Eddy 6,856,862 51,255 0.75
32 kowi1 6,813,287 62,081 0.91
33 Drejali 6,781,341 121,895 1.80
34 zaferbektass 6,698,999 28,062 0.42
35 BadBlade 6,655,175 284,451 4.27
36 anonymous 6,645,419 11,675 0.18
37 khacsao 6,548,042 92,786 1.42
38 THX1138 6,012,928 65,536 1.09
39 Stonecutter 4,009,846 51,274 1.28
40 suberdigi 2,619,616 20,931 0.80
41 koldun_111 2,012,936 62,230 3.09
42 rockvn 1,287,871 41,354 3.21
43 winardys 1,257,995 27,654 2.20
44 briano 1,150,821 20,537 1.78
45 anonymous 595,326 3,222 0.54
46 anonymous 403,328 6,463 1.60
47 ujank 400,809 8,833 2.20
48 Stefan-Neumann-1985 95,327 296 0.31
49 anonymous 15,560 485 3.12