Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,476,900 PPLNS Shares 594,706,334
Height 13,698,806 Estimated Shares 362,537,280
Amount 491.63406222 Target Variance 60.96 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 594,712,893
Difficulty 1416161.2519465 Average Efficiency 60.96 %
Time 2021-09-22 17:07:47 Target Rounds 10
Shares 319,171,252 Seconds This Round 1,655
Finder obez Round Variance 53.67 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel8111 81,425,248 25.51 151,636,957 25.50 99.95 125.35580335
ts251005 72,337,483 22.66 133,834,584 22.50 99.29 110.63887167
BK-G28 25,057,145 7.85 46,611,191 7.84 99.83 38.53271322
rengos 13,670,144 4.28 25,867,318 4.35 101.55 21.38409103
VikingDK 12,828,672 4.02 23,962,825 4.03 100.25 19.80967754
And28 11,723,047 3.67 22,271,930 3.75 101.96 18.41184189
CTNVK 11,383,029 3.57 21,222,461 3.57 100.06 17.54426342
gobx 8,106,257 2.54 15,717,250 2.64 104.06 12.99319511
repnin77 5,469,500 1.71 11,026,663 1.85 108.20 9.11556345
nhanpro 6,070,646 1.90 10,884,482 1.83 96.23 8.99802456
anonymous 4,980,566 1.56 9,354,847 1.57 100.80 7.73350036
DS2019 4,862,787 1.52 9,038,203 1.52 99.75 7.47173570
Andrei3434 4,460,797 1.40 8,417,964 1.42 101.28 6.95899397
irina83 4,582,852 1.44 8,306,119 1.40 97.27 6.86653402
honziceek 4,297,243 1.35 7,928,641 1.33 99.02 6.55447854
mikel81 4,107,641 1.29 7,492,989 1.26 97.90 6.19433265
Dano0 3,733,524 1.17 7,077,728 1.19 101.74 5.85104253
erolbeker 3,878,744 1.22 7,064,085 1.19 97.74 5.83976405
PhuNguyen 2,924,789 0.92 5,385,498 0.91 98.82 4.45210380
antztech 2,889,829 0.91 5,281,513 0.89 98.09 4.36614149
anonymous 2,467,366 0.77 4,386,521 0.74 95.41 3.62626595
vuhuy 2,250,284 0.71 4,319,407 0.73 103.02 3.57078367
Raketka 2,304,413 0.72 4,184,378 0.70 97.45 3.45915791
anonymous 2,059,003 0.65 4,044,588 0.68 105.42 3.34359578
google06ank 2,028,302 0.64 3,863,108 0.65 102.22 3.19356864
gent_the_king 2,005,276 0.63 3,789,667 0.64 101.43 3.13285611
minhkhoi3108 2,158,873 0.68 3,758,883 0.63 93.44 3.10740755
eaglerx0 1,745,965 0.55 3,296,715 0.55 101.34 2.72534058
zaferbektass 1,010,507 0.32 1,947,753 0.33 103.45 1.61017589
Vanyayam 1,030,758 0.32 1,941,887 0.33 101.11 1.60532695
Sylv88 1,104,894 0.35 1,941,378 0.33 94.30 1.60490606
khacsao 1,033,360 0.32 1,929,032 0.32 100.19 1.59470008
caspian999 1,037,769 0.33 1,928,989 0.32 99.76 1.59466390
lepomis 1,089,761 0.34 1,887,730 0.32 92.97 1.56055644
kowi1 963,253 0.30 1,844,671 0.31 102.78 1.52495978
anonymous 969,593 0.30 1,786,835 0.30 98.90 1.47714802
vaper 897,029 0.28 1,784,336 0.30 106.76 1.47508173
Eddy 969,961 0.30 1,761,141 0.30 97.45 1.45590692
serdalerdogmus 918,041 0.29 1,630,161 0.27 95.30 1.34762830
damask1816 803,769 0.25 1,560,882 0.26 104.22 1.29035648
obez 776,542 0.24 1,391,041 0.23 96.14 1.14995105
BaikalSanty 201,370 0.06 358,070 0.06 95.43 0.29601090
winardys 188,529 0.06 340,316 0.06 96.88 0.28133430
briano 175,406 0.05 299,241 0.05 91.56 0.24737807
anonymous 61,193 0.02 111,233 0.02 97.56 0.09195484
ujank 56,634 0.02 103,129 0.02 97.73 0.08525549
hh18 57,167 0.02 101,455 0.02 95.25 0.08387154
Stefan-Neumann-1985 13,703 0.00 25,860 0.00 101.28 0.02137866
anonymous 2,565 0.00 4,679 0.00 97.90 0.00386818
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 81,425,248 369,888 0.45
2 ts251005 72,337,483 8,238,479 11.39
3 BK-G28 25,057,145 113,310 0.45
4 rengos 13,670,144 66,473 0.49
5 VikingDK 12,828,672 114,688 0.89
6 And28 11,723,047 45,377 0.39
7 CTNVK 11,383,029 95,522 0.84
8 gobx 8,106,257 731,358 9.02
9 nhanpro 6,070,646 80,510 1.33
10 repnin77 5,469,500 60,159 1.10
11 anonymous 4,980,566 31,212 0.63
12 DS2019 4,862,787 739,950 15.22
13 irina83 4,582,852 26,173 0.57
14 Andrei3434 4,460,797 505,913 11.34
15 honziceek 4,297,243 278,384 6.48
16 mikel81 4,107,641 13,115 0.32
17 erolbeker 3,878,744 0 0.00
18 Dano0 3,733,524 48,693 1.30
19 PhuNguyen 2,924,789 41,773 1.43
20 antztech 2,889,829 94,285 3.26
21 anonymous 2,467,366 40,981 1.66
22 Raketka 2,304,413 282,501 12.26
23 vuhuy 2,250,284 73,138 3.25
24 minhkhoi3108 2,158,873 74,604 3.46
25 anonymous 2,059,003 30,996 1.51
26 google06ank 2,028,302 39,680 1.96
27 gent_the_king 2,005,276 30,784 1.54
28 eaglerx0 1,745,965 215,869 12.36
29 Sylv88 1,104,894 13,395 1.21
30 lepomis 1,089,761 5,302 0.49
31 caspian999 1,037,769 36,323 3.50
32 khacsao 1,033,360 23,017 2.23
33 Vanyayam 1,030,758 6,276 0.61
34 zaferbektass 1,010,507 0 0.00
35 Eddy 969,961 0 0.00
36 anonymous 969,593 45,362 4.68
37 kowi1 963,253 21,892 2.27
38 serdalerdogmus 918,041 4,781 0.52
39 vaper 897,029 5,815 0.65
40 damask1816 803,769 0 0.00
41 obez 776,542 0 0.00
42 BaikalSanty 201,370 1,054 0.52
43 winardys 188,529 6,064 3.22
44 briano 175,406 2,720 1.55
45 anonymous 61,193 982 1.60
46 hh18 57,167 1,287 2.25
47 ujank 56,634 687 1.21
48 Stefan-Neumann-1985 13,703 61 0.45
49 anonymous 2,565 73 2.85
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel8111 151,636,957 661,859 0.44
2 ts251005 133,834,584 15,969,956 11.93
3 BK-G28 46,611,191 196,485 0.42
4 rengos 25,867,318 139,468 0.54
5 VikingDK 23,962,825 344,064 1.44
6 And28 22,271,930 90,742 0.41
7 CTNVK 21,222,461 249,037 1.17
8 gobx 15,717,250 1,356,988 8.63
9 repnin77 11,026,663 101,031 0.92
10 nhanpro 10,884,482 169,331 1.56
11 anonymous 9,354,847 81,027 0.87
12 DS2019 9,038,203 1,276,456 14.12
13 Andrei3434 8,417,964 967,586 11.49
14 irina83 8,306,119 63,329 0.76
15 honziceek 7,928,641 497,673 6.28
16 mikel81 7,492,989 17,244 0.23
17 Dano0 7,077,728 65,565 0.93
18 erolbeker 7,064,085 18,483 0.26
19 PhuNguyen 5,385,498 80,327 1.49
20 antztech 5,281,513 158,776 3.01
21 anonymous 4,386,521 40,981 0.93
22 vuhuy 4,319,407 125,533 2.91
23 Raketka 4,184,378 451,571 10.79
24 anonymous 4,044,588 55,211 1.37
25 google06ank 3,863,108 70,851 1.83
26 gent_the_king 3,789,667 36,048 0.95
27 minhkhoi3108 3,758,883 109,506 2.91
28 eaglerx0 3,296,715 407,104 12.35
29 zaferbektass 1,947,753 5,087 0.26
30 Vanyayam 1,941,887 13,402 0.69
31 Sylv88 1,941,378 13,395 0.69
32 khacsao 1,929,032 34,937 1.81
33 caspian999 1,928,989 43,916 2.28
34 lepomis 1,887,730 10,046 0.53
35 kowi1 1,844,671 32,838 1.78
36 anonymous 1,786,835 48,883 2.74
37 vaper 1,784,336 5,815 0.33
38 Eddy 1,761,141 10,638 0.60
39 serdalerdogmus 1,630,161 4,781 0.29
40 damask1816 1,560,882 3,078 0.20
41 obez 1,391,041 4,485 0.32
42 BaikalSanty 358,070 2,217 0.62
43 winardys 340,316 7,668 2.25
44 briano 299,241 4,825 1.61
45 anonymous 111,233 1,784 1.60
46 ujank 103,129 2,193 2.13
47 hh18 101,455 1,810 1.78
48 Stefan-Neumann-1985 25,860 342 1.32
49 anonymous 4,679 73 1.56