Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 298,858 PPLNS Shares 1,215,628
Height 4,537,622 Estimated Shares 1,905,705
Amount 891.17537 Target Variance 156.77 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,215,720
Difficulty 7444.1618929923 Average Efficiency 156.76 %
Time 2017-05-23 07:01:25 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,527,982 Seconds This Round 296
Finder bembegi Round Variance 125.69 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
dungbtc2016 733,138 47.98 581,286 47.82 99.66 426.13416358
bembegi 129,536 8.48 100,608 8.28 97.62 73.75455776
anonymous 70,787 4.63 58,085 4.78 103.14 42.58191918
anonymous 65,147 4.26 51,251 4.22 98.88 37.57220687
anonymous 51,264 3.36 43,859 3.61 107.54 32.15290403
anonymous 48,146 3.15 40,301 3.32 105.21 29.54481132
anonymous 52,253 3.42 40,200 3.31 96.70 29.47072256
anonymous 47,213 3.09 38,734 3.19 103.12 28.39556698
rewersant 45,161 2.96 34,535 2.84 96.12 25.31768127
Schwacke 29,430 1.93 23,488 1.93 100.32 17.21939557
rnahlawi 29,191 1.91 22,999 1.89 99.03 16.86071976
anonymous 27,648 1.81 21,504 1.77 97.76 15.76433299
RegardV 25,785 1.69 21,330 1.75 103.98 15.63709356
chrismcband 22,562 1.48 17,834 1.47 99.35 13.07413727
kenny85 20,886 1.37 17,058 1.40 102.66 12.50530467
vogt37 20,736 1.36 16,384 1.35 99.31 12.01092032
valeriks 13,303 0.87 10,477 0.86 98.99 7.68093990
pmlavv 13,220 0.87 10,282 0.85 97.76 7.53794199
maxpower 7,866 0.51 6,303 0.52 100.72 4.62109952
dvpintado 6,841 0.45 5,790 0.48 106.38 4.24484403
anonymous 6,977 0.46 5,448 0.45 98.15 3.99444309
Hercules999 6,634 0.43 5,400 0.44 102.31 3.95876871
lora19812 5,651 0.37 4,238 0.35 94.27 3.10737755
anonymous 5,874 0.38 4,228 0.35 90.47 3.09967673
nog2009 5,551 0.36 3,868 0.32 87.59 2.83601795
anonymous 3,834 0.25 3,834 0.32 125.69 2.81066089
mfnikitos 5,269 0.34 3,832 0.32 91.41 2.80921228
VictorGT 4,985 0.33 3,762 0.31 94.86 2.75837126
electronian 3,996 0.26 3,596 0.30 113.11 2.63624094
anonymous 4,390 0.29 3,194 0.26 91.45 2.34204202
team97430 2,860 0.19 2,581 0.21 113.43 1.89221234
wotzye 2,858 0.19 2,086 0.17 91.74 1.52926157
rjaiper 2,547 0.17 2,075 0.17 102.40 1.52143331
meprun 1,996 0.13 1,858 0.15 117.00 1.36276452
orionssoftware 2,613 0.17 1,829 0.15 87.98 1.34118070
sanborN 1,416 0.09 1,168 0.10 103.68 0.85683607
Aklynsmith 256 0.02 213 0.02 104.58 0.15684000
anonymous 136 0.01 103 0.01 95.20 0.07563530
anonymous 10 0.00 7 0.00 87.99 0.00513166
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 dungbtc2016 733,138 38,335 5.23
2 bembegi 129,536 5,888 4.55
3 anonymous 70,787 1,729 2.44
4 anonymous 65,147 1,311 2.01
5 anonymous 52,253 1,307 2.50
6 anonymous 51,264 2,447 4.77
7 anonymous 48,146 1,212 2.52
8 anonymous 47,213 916 1.94
9 rewersant 45,161 0 0.00
10 Schwacke 29,430 1,648 5.60
11 rnahlawi 29,191 884 3.03
12 anonymous 27,648 768 2.78
13 RegardV 25,785 102 0.40
14 chrismcband 22,562 328 1.45
15 kenny85 20,886 76 0.36
16 vogt37 20,736 512 2.47
17 valeriks 13,303 1,621 12.19
18 pmlavv 13,220 489 3.70
19 maxpower 7,866 363 4.61
20 anonymous 6,977 433 6.21
21 dvpintado 6,841 22 0.32
22 Hercules999 6,634 0 0.00
23 anonymous 5,874 226 3.85
24 lora19812 5,651 0 0.00
25 nog2009 5,551 0 0.00
26 mfnikitos 5,269 0 0.00
27 VictorGT 4,985 0 0.00
28 anonymous 4,390 163 3.71
29 electronian 3,996 320 8.01
30 anonymous 3,834 92 2.40
31 team97430 2,860 160 5.59
32 wotzye 2,858 0 0.00
33 orionssoftware 2,613 0 0.00
34 rjaiper 2,547 94 3.69
35 meprun 1,996 0 0.00
36 sanborN 1,416 0 0.00
37 Aklynsmith 256 10 3.91
38 anonymous 136 1 0.74
39 anonymous 10 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 dungbtc2016 581,286 31,152 5.36
2 bembegi 100,608 3,840 3.82
3 anonymous 58,085 1,729 2.98
4 anonymous 51,251 1,273 2.48
5 anonymous 43,859 1,464 3.34
6 anonymous 40,301 1,212 3.01
7 anonymous 40,200 1,207 3.00
8 anonymous 38,734 916 2.36
9 rewersant 34,535 0 0.00
10 Schwacke 23,488 1,117 4.76
11 rnahlawi 22,999 884 3.84
12 anonymous 21,504 768 3.57
13 RegardV 21,330 102 0.48
14 chrismcband 17,834 328 1.84
15 kenny85 17,058 76 0.45
16 vogt37 16,384 256 1.56
17 valeriks 10,477 1,621 15.47
18 pmlavv 10,282 489 4.76
19 maxpower 6,303 191 3.03
20 dvpintado 5,790 22 0.38
21 anonymous 5,448 188 3.45
22 Hercules999 5,400 0 0.00
23 lora19812 4,238 0 0.00
24 anonymous 4,228 226 5.35
25 nog2009 3,868 0 0.00
26 anonymous 3,834 92 2.40
27 mfnikitos 3,832 0 0.00
28 VictorGT 3,762 0 0.00
29 electronian 3,596 320 8.90
30 anonymous 3,194 163 5.10
31 team97430 2,581 160 6.20
32 wotzye 2,086 0 0.00
33 rjaiper 2,075 94 4.53
34 meprun 1,858 0 0.00
35 orionssoftware 1,829 0 0.00
36 sanborN 1,168 0 0.00
37 Aklynsmith 213 5 2.35
38 anonymous 103 1 0.97
39 anonymous 7 0 0.00