Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,501,280 196,557 194,546 2,011 1.02 516,486.3767 25,722,971,811,550 26,619,050,395,563 103.48% 157,551,399.5347 4.32%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00% 0.0000 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 1 1 0 0.00 1,539,755.6413 394,177,444 868,120,226 220.24% 347.1762 0.07%
Last 7 Days 10,080 12 12 0 0.00 1,729,000.8222 5,311,490,526 6,522,941,610 122.81% 4,166.1047 0.12%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 57 57 0 0.00 1,364,054.4184 19,904,282,073 24,810,597,364 124.65% 19,879.1500 0.14%
The Past 12 Months 483,840 82 82 0 0.00 1,278,310.2069 26,834,287,863 31,488,867,290 117.35% 28,688.9996 0.02%
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares PPLNS Shares Actual Shares Percentage
9618666 Confirmed jcgp02 10/17/2019 18:46:14 2,700,141.3328 643.6036 691,236,181 409,467,651 198,601,151 28.73
9618632 Confirmed gahel 10/17/2019 18:36:42 1,608,947.0026 643.6019 411,890,433 653,427,420 809,136,634 196.44
9618405 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 17:44:14 1,890,794.0522 643.6019 484,043,277 594,480,138 738,916,330 152.66
9618264 Confirmed okluxen 10/17/2019 17:07:41 1,489,356.1678 643.6019 381,275,179 570,768,522 131,650,488 34.53
9618228 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 16:59:14 1,637,571.3051 643.6019 419,218,254 616,104,759 76,274,014 18.19
9618214 Confirmed Mato1981 10/17/2019 16:54:40 1,670,096.7743 643.6019 427,544,774 629,524,392 1,487,327,901 347.88
9617878 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 15:30:14 1,740,742.6737 643.6019 445,630,124 632,280,445 212,604,437 47.71
9617811 Confirmed ekurtoglu 10/17/2019 15:16:02 2,251,158.0375 643.6019 576,296,458 675,300,545 228,157,512 39.59
9617761 Confirmed nester82 10/17/2019 15:01:38 1,925,125.2354 643.6019 492,832,060 667,007,818 80,342,660 16.30
9617740 Confirmed mikel81 10/17/2019 14:55:53 2,487,826.3391 643.6042 636,883,543 705,725,575 131,794,864 20.69
9617705 Confirmed AleksandrD 10/17/2019 14:47:04 1,372,049.7990 643.6019 351,244,749 711,428,371 2,638,095,733 751.07
9617221 Confirmed ekurtoglu 10/17/2019 12:47:30 1,987,521.3993 643.6019 508,805,478 621,723,895 219,681,221 43.18
9617170 Confirmed mikel81 10/17/2019 12:34:28 3,616,997.3372 643.6030 925,951,318 638,279,429 501,869,865 54.20
9617066 Confirmed Analex310 10/17/2019 12:05:29 1,863,102.1865 643.6024 476,954,160 732,132,086 585,000,114 122.65
9616982 Confirmed jcgp02 10/17/2019 11:44:17 2,174,147.8874 643.6019 556,581,859 711,351,572 210,604,422 37.84
9616928 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 11:33:59 2,195,459.4024 643.8014 562,037,607 745,214,953 1,514,707,072 269.50
9616617 Confirmed jjtt 10/17/2019 10:17:42 2,766,449.3182 643.6019 708,211,025 645,347,689 642,868,645 90.77
9616562 Confirmed pacificalliance 10/17/2019 10:00:22 1,935,570.2091 643.6019 495,505,974 648,742,273 145,445,101 29.35
9616524 Confirmed etheronicSobrance 10/17/2019 09:53:10 2,537,865.8527 643.6019 649,693,658 701,489,845 467,764,918 72.00
9616457 Confirmed mikel81 10/17/2019 09:34:08 1,027,384.7684 643.6019 263,010,501 661,225,834 188,287,018 71.59
Totals 10,464,846,612 12,971,023,212 11,209,130,100 107.11