Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,860 PPLNS Shares 2,558,027,818
Height 11,106,060 Estimated Shares 3,135,325,169
Amount 581.77035953 Target Variance 122.57 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,629,157,024
Difficulty 12247363.942344 Average Efficiency 119.25 %
Time 2020-07-01 00:40:25 Target Rounds 10
Shares 3,000,857,716 Seconds This Round 3,785
Finder DGB-Qubit Round Variance 117.31 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
DGB-Qubit 2,147,483,647 71.56 2,147,483,647 83.95 117.31 490.81598155
mikel81 172,788,714 5.76 152,696,556 5.97 103.67 33.82929511
anonymous 111,989,391 3.73 111,989,391 4.38 117.31 24.81078990
anonymous 57,760,782 1.92 50,599,669 1.98 102.77 11.21014900
Analex310 55,622,312 1.85 49,146,020 1.92 103.65 10.88809914
irina83 11,035,104 0.37 9,873,209 0.39 104.96 2.18736905
nvkz 9,005,824 0.30 8,030,995 0.31 104.61 1.77923411
minhkhoi3108 6,768,242 0.23 5,989,288 0.23 103.81 1.32690230
Roman599 4,872,304 0.16 4,234,955 0.17 101.97 0.93823712
CTNVK 4,605,186 0.15 4,112,780 0.16 104.77 0.91116973
eaglerx0 4,521,617 0.15 4,039,222 0.16 104.80 0.89487306
gobx 2,388,425 0.08 2,140,934 0.08 105.16 0.47431516
lepomis 2,351,109 0.08 2,061,597 0.08 102.87 0.45673848
Drejali 1,932,386 0.06 1,932,386 0.08 117.31 0.42811236
anonymous 2,091,747 0.07 1,838,448 0.07 103.11 0.40730069
suberdigi 936,022 0.03 835,034 0.03 104.65 0.18499838
anonymous 431,365 0.01 377,178 0.01 102.58 0.08356229
winardys 415,255 0.01 367,112 0.01 103.71 0.08133231
ujank 141,526 0.00 124,972 0.00 103.59 0.02768721
anonymous 100,212 0.00 89,058 0.00 104.25 0.01973057
furio74 35,274 0.00 32,534 0.00 108.20 0.00720784
MishGun 32,137 0.00 27,913 0.00 101.89 0.00618422
anonymous 5,544 0.00 4,920 0.00 104.11 0.00109012
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 2,147,483,647 65,587,067 3.05
2 mikel81 172,788,714 897,083 0.52
3 anonymous 111,989,391 1,589,121 1.42
4 anonymous 57,760,782 1,348,274 2.33
5 Analex310 55,622,312 235,926 0.42
6 irina83 11,035,104 5,117 0.05
7 nvkz 9,005,824 82,564 0.92
8 minhkhoi3108 6,768,242 155,657 2.30
9 Roman599 4,872,304 59,128 1.21
10 CTNVK 4,605,186 101,632 2.21
11 eaglerx0 4,521,617 91,512 2.02
12 gobx 2,388,425 0 0.00
13 lepomis 2,351,109 0 0.00
14 anonymous 2,091,747 36,540 1.75
15 Drejali 1,932,386 39,712 2.06
16 suberdigi 936,022 6,553 0.70
17 anonymous 431,365 8,416 1.95
18 winardys 415,255 6,914 1.67
19 ujank 141,526 1,725 1.22
20 anonymous 100,212 1,412 1.41
21 furio74 35,274 38 0.11
22 MishGun 32,137 238 0.74
23 anonymous 5,544 149 2.69
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 DGB-Qubit 2,147,483,647 51,354,892 2.39
2 mikel81 152,696,556 795,669 0.52
3 anonymous 111,989,391 1,589,121 1.42
4 anonymous 50,599,669 1,348,274 2.66
5 Analex310 49,146,020 211,840 0.43
6 irina83 9,873,209 5,117 0.05
7 nvkz 8,030,995 67,540 0.84
8 minhkhoi3108 5,989,288 144,154 2.41
9 Roman599 4,234,955 53,908 1.27
10 CTNVK 4,112,780 101,632 2.47
11 eaglerx0 4,039,222 86,648 2.15
12 gobx 2,140,934 0 0.00
13 lepomis 2,061,597 0 0.00
14 Drejali 1,932,386 39,712 2.06
15 anonymous 1,838,448 32,133 1.75
16 suberdigi 835,034 6,553 0.78
17 anonymous 377,178 7,427 1.97
18 winardys 367,112 6,914 1.88
19 ujank 124,972 1,381 1.11
20 anonymous 89,058 1,412 1.59
21 furio74 32,534 38 0.12
22 MishGun 27,913 238 0.85
23 anonymous 4,920 149 3.03