Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,961 PPLNS Shares 2,314,750,691
Height 11,297,939 Estimated Shares 3,287,018,507
Amount 575.27778254 Target Variance 142.00 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,314,751,732
Difficulty 12839916.04162 Average Efficiency 142.00 %
Time 2020-08-03 06:49:07 Target Rounds 10
Shares 3,505,434,586 Seconds This Round 41,151
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 151.44 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 2,147,483,647 61.26 1,531,503,772 66.16 108.00 380.61986230
Analex310 567,602,154 16.19 367,744,191 15.89 98.12 91.39431838
irina83 117,629,036 3.36 79,575,279 3.44 102.45 19.77659626
minhkhoi3108 77,151,160 2.20 51,108,357 2.21 100.32 12.70180093
kwp39jf 74,316,494 2.12 50,076,842 2.16 102.04 12.44544179
jeanpi85 58,592,147 1.67 39,579,159 1.71 102.30 9.83648525
nvkz 73,159,790 2.09 39,209,230 1.69 81.16 9.74454798
Roman599 51,941,623 1.48 35,226,607 1.52 102.71 8.75475908
gobx 26,307,130 0.75 17,776,238 0.77 102.33 4.41787311
CTNVK 25,659,507 0.73 17,145,595 0.74 101.19 4.26114150
anonymous 25,578,285 0.73 17,119,120 0.74 101.36 4.25456170
lepomis 25,435,952 0.73 17,022,751 0.74 101.35 4.23061134
Drejali 25,217,450 0.72 16,840,930 0.73 101.14 4.18542407
anonymous 24,556,504 0.70 16,635,374 0.72 102.59 4.13433791
kriptomajori 8,614,309 0.25 8,614,309 0.37 151.44 2.14088747
suberdigi 4,916,300 0.14 3,304,624 0.14 101.79 0.82128808
winardys 4,770,656 0.14 3,214,295 0.14 102.03 0.79883890
ujank 1,464,428 0.04 994,372 0.04 102.83 0.24712817
anonymous 1,468,974 0.04 980,561 0.04 101.09 0.24369584
bujin15 753,435 0.02 495,637 0.02 99.62 0.12317934
MishGun 365,385 0.01 247,203 0.01 102.46 0.06143679
furio74 366,318 0.01 242,598 0.01 100.29 0.06029222
nemorussd9 158,549 0.00 51,456 0.00 49.15 0.01278819
anonymous 61,581 0.00 41,935 0.00 103.13 0.01042219
imdmanuc2 256 0.00 256 0.00 151.44 0.00006363
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 2,147,483,647 12,565,450 0.59
2 Analex310 567,602,154 2,255,094 0.40
3 irina83 117,629,036 552,722 0.47
4 minhkhoi3108 77,151,160 1,052,879 1.36
5 kwp39jf 74,316,494 503,753 0.68
6 nvkz 73,159,790 795,609 1.09
7 jeanpi85 58,592,147 1,548,948 2.64
8 Roman599 51,941,623 572,734 1.10
9 gobx 26,307,130 73,046 0.28
10 CTNVK 25,659,507 475,122 1.85
11 anonymous 25,578,285 113,377 0.44
12 lepomis 25,435,952 43,814 0.17
13 Drejali 25,217,450 372,638 1.48
14 anonymous 24,556,504 223,450 0.91
15 kriptomajori 8,614,309 29,148 0.34
16 suberdigi 4,916,300 32,128 0.65
17 winardys 4,770,656 87,570 1.84
18 Trex55 3,918,029 41,126 1.05
19 anonymous 1,468,974 20,501 1.40
20 ujank 1,464,428 21,283 1.45
21 bujin15 753,435 4,415 0.59
22 furio74 366,318 2,552 0.70
23 MishGun 365,385 2,312 0.63
24 nemorussd9 158,549 0 0.00
25 anonymous 61,581 1,394 2.26
26 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,531,503,772 8,709,914 0.57
2 Analex310 367,744,191 1,606,088 0.44
3 irina83 79,575,279 362,000 0.45
4 minhkhoi3108 51,108,357 710,819 1.39
5 kwp39jf 50,076,842 345,367 0.69
6 jeanpi85 39,579,159 669,310 1.69
7 nvkz 39,209,230 461,940 1.18
8 Roman599 35,226,607 384,857 1.09
9 gobx 17,776,238 43,360 0.24
10 CTNVK 17,145,595 292,862 1.71
11 anonymous 17,119,120 90,238 0.53
12 lepomis 17,022,751 30,349 0.18
13 Drejali 16,840,930 262,276 1.56
14 anonymous 16,635,374 138,702 0.83
15 kriptomajori 8,614,309 29,148 0.34
16 suberdigi 3,304,624 19,338 0.59
17 winardys 3,214,295 59,119 1.84
18 ujank 994,372 13,788 1.39
19 anonymous 980,561 13,734 1.40
20 bujin15 495,637 2,574 0.52
21 MishGun 247,203 1,546 0.63
22 furio74 242,598 1,492 0.62
23 nemorussd9 51,456 0 0.00
24 anonymous 41,935 1,022 2.44
25 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00