Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,470,960 PPLNS Shares 2,015,150,431
Height 11,295,212 Estimated Shares 1,497,941,416
Amount 575.27778254 Target Variance 74.33 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 2,015,156,645
Difficulty 5851333.6556239 Average Efficiency 74.33 %
Time 2020-08-02 19:23:16 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,870,164,878 Seconds This Round 31,030
Finder nvkz Round Variance 92.81 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 1,034,567,967 55.32 1,034,567,967 51.34 92.81 295.34468131
Analex310 394,737,464 21.11 473,986,471 23.52 111.44 135.31192530
nvkz 76,410,256 4.09 90,391,638 4.49 109.79 25.80467448
kwp39jf 55,956,996 2.99 66,601,525 3.31 110.46 19.01315990
minhkhoi3108 56,090,696 3.00 66,593,547 3.30 110.18 19.01088267
irina83 52,824,931 2.82 52,824,931 2.62 92.81 15.08026834
Roman599 38,126,190 2.04 45,224,668 2.24 110.08 12.91057297
jeanpi85 33,722,729 1.80 33,722,729 1.67 92.81 9.62704168
gobx 19,607,117 1.05 23,236,970 1.15 109.99 6.63360531
CTNVK 19,433,349 1.04 23,168,738 1.15 110.64 6.61412675
anonymous 19,554,153 1.05 23,017,664 1.14 109.24 6.57099869
anonymous 19,251,395 1.03 22,872,920 1.14 110.26 6.52967787
Drejali 19,340,802 1.03 22,806,697 1.13 109.44 6.51077258
lepomis 19,036,476 1.02 22,649,457 1.12 110.42 6.46588446
suberdigi 3,609,281 0.19 4,304,728 0.21 110.69 1.22889810
winardys 3,624,693 0.19 4,287,406 0.21 109.77 1.22395324
ujank 1,115,152 0.06 1,321,001 0.07 109.94 0.37711472
anonymous 1,100,344 0.06 1,309,803 0.06 110.47 0.37391785
Trex55 819,898 0.04 819,898 0.04 92.81 0.23406155
bujin15 557,498 0.03 657,413 0.03 109.44 0.18767604
MishGun 274,975 0.01 327,526 0.02 110.54 0.09350099
furio74 275,594 0.01 321,144 0.02 108.14 0.09167926
nemorussd9 79,798 0.00 79,798 0.00 92.81 0.02278071
anonymous 44,783 0.00 53,208 0.00 110.26 0.01518986
anonymous 1,252 0.00 1,252 0.00 92.81 0.00035754
anonymous 564 0.00 564 0.00 92.81 0.00016125
bcminerusa 0 0.00 256 0.00 100.00 0.00007306
imdmanuc2 256 0.00 256 0.00 92.81 0.00007306
mono46 256 0.00 256 0.00 92.81 0.00007306
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,034,567,967 5,362,423 0.52
2 Analex310 394,737,464 1,687,488 0.43
3 nvkz 76,410,256 881,340 1.15
4 minhkhoi3108 56,090,696 1,028,488 1.83
5 kwp39jf 55,956,996 431,690 0.77
6 irina83 52,824,931 373,416 0.71
7 Roman599 38,126,190 411,245 1.08
8 jeanpi85 33,722,729 2,559,063 7.59
9 gobx 19,607,117 81,215 0.41
10 anonymous 19,554,153 182,994 0.94
11 CTNVK 19,433,349 284,577 1.46
12 Drejali 19,340,802 320,187 1.66
13 anonymous 19,251,395 110,214 0.57
14 lepomis 19,036,476 82,054 0.43
15 winardys 3,624,693 84,418 2.33
16 suberdigi 3,609,281 36,461 1.01
17 ujank 1,115,152 19,418 1.74
18 anonymous 1,100,344 15,687 1.43
19 Trex55 819,898 0 0.00
20 bujin15 557,498 1,955 0.35
21 furio74 275,594 1,396 0.51
22 MishGun 274,975 2,856 1.04
23 nemorussd9 79,798 256 0.32
24 anonymous 44,783 1,188 2.65
25 anonymous 1,252 0 0.00
26 anonymous 564 0 0.00
27 mono46 256 0 0.00
28 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,034,567,967 5,362,423 0.52
2 Analex310 473,986,471 1,944,751 0.41
3 nvkz 90,391,638 1,028,558 1.14
4 kwp39jf 66,601,525 485,592 0.73
5 minhkhoi3108 66,593,547 1,190,757 1.79
6 irina83 52,824,931 373,416 0.71
7 Roman599 45,224,668 508,977 1.13
8 jeanpi85 33,722,729 2,559,063 7.59
9 gobx 23,236,970 104,440 0.45
10 CTNVK 23,168,738 337,317 1.46
11 anonymous 23,017,664 222,091 0.96
12 anonymous 22,872,920 114,736 0.50
13 Drejali 22,806,697 381,817 1.67
14 lepomis 22,649,457 82,054 0.36
15 suberdigi 4,304,728 43,402 1.01
16 winardys 4,287,406 101,169 2.36
17 ujank 1,321,001 23,060 1.75
18 anonymous 1,309,803 18,162 1.39
19 Trex55 819,898 0 0.00
20 bujin15 657,413 2,685 0.41
21 MishGun 327,526 3,279 1.00
22 furio74 321,144 1,678 0.52
23 nemorussd9 79,798 256 0.32
24 anonymous 53,208 1,412 2.65
25 anonymous 1,252 0 0.00
26 anonymous 564 0 0.00
27 imdmanuc2 256 0 0.00
28 mono46 256 0 0.00
29 bcminerusa 256 0 0.00