Suprnova's DGBQCoin Pool // Algo: Qubit // PPLNS Payout // SEGWIT-Enabled // LIVE !


You can set your worker diff using the password field: d=1 sets the diff to 1:
./ccminer -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=0.03

Nicehash/ASIC Port: 8532
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,471,786 PPLNS Shares 1,428,580,854
Height 12,243,414 Estimated Shares 2,280,093,334
Amount 543.90639681 Target Variance 159.61 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,428,583,559
Difficulty 8906614.5840725 Average Efficiency 159.61 %
Time 2021-01-13 23:47:11 Target Rounds 10
Shares 2,252,853,590 Seconds This Round 27,899
Finder mikel81 Round Variance 157.70 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
mikel81 1,527,238,122 67.79 971,111,937 67.98 100.27 369.73335274
pantomas 160,614,828 7.13 100,566,136 7.04 98.74 38.28874225
irina83 78,861,560 3.50 50,600,154 3.54 101.18 19.26509621
wmao 69,450,410 3.08 44,535,256 3.12 101.12 16.95599550
minhkhoi3108 51,160,118 2.27 32,131,613 2.25 99.04 12.23353207
Wizardvv 40,380,047 1.79 25,893,482 1.81 101.12 9.85847640
anonymous 38,977,961 1.73 25,160,715 1.76 101.80 9.57948843
CTNVK 34,942,438 1.55 22,031,932 1.54 99.43 8.38826092
kwp39jf 34,560,665 1.53 22,010,377 1.54 100.43 8.38005424
jeanpi85 34,414,726 1.53 21,810,921 1.53 99.94 8.30411495
lepomis 17,472,856 0.78 11,098,348 0.78 100.17 4.22549583
gobx 17,534,244 0.78 10,974,486 0.77 98.70 4.17833773
kriptomajori 17,349,729 0.77 10,887,504 0.76 98.96 4.14522085
romanticboy34 17,219,321 0.76 10,826,414 0.76 99.15 4.12196205
Drejali 16,778,252 0.74 10,796,415 0.76 101.48 4.11054056
vvm1973 17,013,779 0.76 10,791,696 0.76 100.03 4.10874376
russya 16,081,652 0.71 10,538,692 0.74 103.34 4.01241702
ITWolf 16,773,792 0.74 10,448,597 0.73 98.23 3.97811496
anonymous 11,604,125 0.52 7,336,390 0.51 99.70 2.79319823
Stonecutter 10,692,327 0.47 6,899,723 0.48 101.76 2.62694541
suberdigi 6,530,507 0.29 4,188,106 0.29 101.13 1.59454613
rockvn 3,312,828 0.15 2,131,572 0.15 101.47 0.81155784
winardys 3,228,315 0.14 2,027,984 0.14 99.06 0.77211859
nemorussd9 1,480,095 0.07 1,480,095 0.10 157.70 0.56351982
anonymous 995,591 0.04 637,258 0.04 100.94 0.24262479
ujank 981,213 0.04 629,227 0.04 101.13 0.23956716
caspian999 752,043 0.03 485,421 0.03 101.79 0.18481542
Jobber4488 481,586 0.02 301,233 0.02 98.64 0.11468941
Coryvmcs1 238,004 0.01 151,655 0.01 100.48 0.05774007
flhctroll 88,173 0.00 88,173 0.01 157.70 0.03357056
skirabb 9,342 0.00 9,342 0.00 157.70 0.00355698
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 1,527,238,122 7,231,066 0.47
2 pantomas 160,614,828 2,033,362 1.27
3 irina83 78,861,560 453,226 0.57
4 wmao 69,450,410 765,583 1.10
5 minhkhoi3108 51,160,118 893,232 1.75
6 Wizardvv 40,380,047 553,978 1.37
7 anonymous 38,977,961 144,092 0.37
8 CTNVK 34,942,438 535,374 1.53
9 kwp39jf 34,560,665 306,634 0.89
10 jeanpi85 34,414,726 1,887,145 5.48
11 gobx 17,534,244 79,766 0.45
12 lepomis 17,472,856 110,855 0.63
13 kriptomajori 17,349,729 154,008 0.89
14 romanticboy34 17,219,321 237,514 1.38
15 vvm1973 17,013,779 266,718 1.57
16 Drejali 16,778,252 270,260 1.61
17 ITWolf 16,773,792 322,222 1.92
18 russya 16,081,652 321,217 2.00
19 anonymous 11,604,125 46,000 0.40
20 Stonecutter 10,692,327 212,076 1.98
21 suberdigi 6,530,507 63,819 0.98
22 zendos 5,230,475 527,276 10.08
23 rockvn 3,312,828 74,532 2.25
24 winardys 3,228,315 63,607 1.97
25 nemorussd9 1,480,095 23,224 1.57
26 anonymous 995,591 12,079 1.21
27 ujank 981,213 15,316 1.56
28 caspian999 752,043 5,630 0.75
29 Jobber4488 481,586 6,479 1.35
30 serdalerdogmus 404,450 5,294 1.31
31 Coryvmcs1 238,004 3,403 1.43
32 flhctroll 88,173 0 0.00
33 skirabb 9,342 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 mikel81 971,111,937 4,671,233 0.48
2 pantomas 100,566,136 1,367,905 1.36
3 irina83 50,600,154 283,073 0.56
4 wmao 44,535,256 433,883 0.97
5 minhkhoi3108 32,131,613 586,897 1.83
6 Wizardvv 25,893,482 365,091 1.41
7 anonymous 25,160,715 61,774 0.25
8 CTNVK 22,031,932 335,662 1.52
9 kwp39jf 22,010,377 175,835 0.80
10 jeanpi85 21,810,921 1,296,650 5.94
11 lepomis 11,098,348 83,637 0.75
12 gobx 10,974,486 51,194 0.47
13 kriptomajori 10,887,504 65,336 0.60
14 romanticboy34 10,826,414 183,953 1.70
15 Drejali 10,796,415 155,644 1.44
16 vvm1973 10,791,696 174,795 1.62
17 russya 10,538,692 156,295 1.48
18 ITWolf 10,448,597 245,816 2.35
19 anonymous 7,336,390 37,490 0.51
20 Stonecutter 6,899,723 154,645 2.24
21 suberdigi 4,188,106 44,239 1.06
22 rockvn 2,131,572 56,548 2.65
23 winardys 2,027,984 44,786 2.21
24 nemorussd9 1,480,095 23,224 1.57
25 anonymous 637,258 7,801 1.22
26 ujank 629,227 9,648 1.53
27 caspian999 485,421 3,503 0.72
28 Jobber4488 301,233 3,722 1.24
29 Coryvmcs1 151,655 2,077 1.37
30 flhctroll 88,173 0 0.00
31 skirabb 9,342 0 0.00